O perations
R esearch
Fall Semester 2004 |
The slides used in presentation of the lectures are available
for downloading in .pdf (Portable
Document Format) and were produced by Adobe Acrobat. You
may read them using an Adobe Acrobat Reader on either
Macintosh, PC, or UNIX platform; Acrobat Reader may
be freely downloaded from Adobe's
web site.
Note: The notation (x).pdf indicates x screens per page,
where x might be 1, 2, 4, 8, etc.
List of Files
- Course organization, introduction
to Operations Research, etc. (1).pdf,
- Solving Systems of Linear Equations
(1).pdf, (2).pdf or (4).pdf
- Pivot Example (1).pdf,
- Linear Programming: optimization of
a linear function of several variables, with the restriction
that these variables satisfy certain linear equations or inequalities.
- Lectures
- Formulating LP Models
(1).pdf, (6).pdf
- More LP Formulations
(2).pdf, or (8).pdf
- Using Sets in LINGO (1).pdf, (4).pdf
- Curve-fitting using LP to minimize mean or max absolute error rather than
mean square error (1).pdf, (4).pdf
- Introduction to the Simplex Method
(1).pdf, (2).pdf, or (8).pdf following a path, vertex to vertex
- The Simplex Method
(1).pdf, (2).pdf, or (8).pdf
- Simplex flowchart (1).pdf, (4).pdf
- Classifying LP tableaux (1).pdf,
- Variants of the simplex tableau appearing
in textbooks which might cause confusion (1).pdf,
- Initial BFS (basic feasible solution)
for Simplex Method (1).pdf,
(2).pdf, or
- Further Simplex Examples
or (8).pdf
- A flowchart summarizing the simplex
method (1).pdf
or (4).pdf
- Revised Simplex Method (1).pdf,
(2).pdf, or (8).pdf maintains
inverse of basis matrix, not full tableau
- Linear Programming Duality Theory
(1).pdf, (2).pdf,
or (8).pdf
- Sensitivity Analysis, Part 1
or (8).pdf effect of rhs or cost coefficient changes
- Sensitivity Analysis, Part 2 (1).pdf,
or (8).pdf examples with LINDO
- Parametric Programming on the Right-hand-side (1).pdf, (2).pdf,
or (8).pdf
- Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), LP-based
technique for evaluating unit efficiencies (1).pdf,
or (8).pdf
- Examples & Activities
- Chicken Feed LP model (1).pdf, (4).pdf
- Walnut Orchard LP model
(1).pdf, (4).pdf
- BISCO LP model (1).pdf
- Feed & Ship LP model
- Drinking glasses LP model
(1).pdf, (4).pdf
- Incinerators LP
model (1).pdf,
- Graph of feasible region in 2-D
- Graph & basic variables
- PAR golf bag manufacturing (illustrating interpretation of dual
variables using parametric analysis)
- Assigning students to schools
- Gasoline blending
(1).pdf, (4).pdf
- Ankelor (sensitivity analysis
exercise) (1).pdf,
- Short quiz on LP
(1).pdf, (2).pdf,
or (8).pdf
- Transportation & Assignment Problems: special
cases of linear programming, which may be solved more efficiently
than by using a standard LP solver. They have the very desirable
feature that (under certain conditions) the optimal solutions
are guaranteed to have only integer values of the variables!
- Project Scheduling: finding the shortest completion
time of a large and complex project requiring the completion
of many tasks, some of which require the completion of other
tasks before they can be begun.
- Integer Programming Model Formulation: Often, in linear
programming problems, it is necessary that some or all of the
variables have discrete values in the optimal solution.
- (Deterministic) Dynamic
Dennis Bricker
Dept of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
& dennis-bricker@163.com
Last modified: 23 October 2004
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Research home page