ME:7268 Turbulent Flows

Spring 2023

Instructor:                 Professor Frederick Stern

Time/Location:          MWF

                                    MWF 5-5215 Office Hours

                                    Or by appointment


Texts:                         Turbulent Fluid Flow, Peter S. Bernard, Wiley


ISBN: 978-1-119-10622-7 March 2019 360 Pages



Turbulent Flows, Stephen B. Pope, Cambridge

ISBN: 9780521598866 October 2000 771 Pages


Class Web Site:



Course Description

Turbulent flow physics, statistical and spectral analysis, and equations; scales of turbulence; isotropic turbulence; free shear flows; wall flows (channels, pipes, and boundary layers); coherent structures; turbulence modeling (RANS, LES, HRLES), and DNS.


Objective and Approach

Provide a comprehensive and rigorous treatment of turbulent flow, which is an important topic in modern fluids engineering, including detailed study of the underlying mathematical physics principles and modeling for selected topics with wide-ranging applications.  More advanced topics are introduced.  Turbulent flow can be considered as a terminal course for M.S. students and as a sound foundation for other advanced courses such as inviscid, viscous, or compressible flows; combustion theory; interfacial flow and transport processes; multiphase flow and transport processes; computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer; and independent and/or M.S. and Ph.D. study research. The subject material is covered through class lectures, text and other reading, homework problems, midterm and final exam and class project.



Syllabus, Assignments and Grading

Syllabus is attached below, and the class schedule follows the syllabus including dates for lectures, reading and homework (HW) assignments, class project and exams.  Class project consists of independent study by each student in general area of turbulent flow mathematical physics principles and modeling, including proposal and class presentation.  Final grade is based on HW (100) + class project (150) + exams (250) = 500 total points.  Exams and point breakdown are shown in the class schedule.  Exams are open textbook only.


Project proposal: objective, approach, references, anticipated results

Project outline: objective, approach, results, conclusions

Grading: technical quality 75%; organization and presentation 25%



1.      Introduction

a.       Definition of turbulence

b.      Historical background

c.       Syllabus

d.      Overview Part 1

Chapter 2 Describing turbulence

Chapter 3 Turbulent flow equations

Chapter 4 Turbulence at small scales

Chapter 5 Energy decay in isotropic turbulence

Chapter 6 Turbulent transport and its modeling


2.      Averages, Correlations and Spectra

a.       Navier- Stokes Equations

b.      Averaging

c.       One-Point Statistics

d.      Two-Point Correlations

e.       Spatial and Temporal Spectra


3.      Turbulent Flow Equations

a.       Instantaneous

b.      RANS


4.      Scales of Turbulence

a.       Bernard

b.      Pope


5.      Isotropic Turbulence


6.      Turbulent Transport and its Modeling


7.      Free Shear Flows

a.       Bernard

b.      Pope


8.      Channel and Pipe Flows

a.       Bernard

b.      Pope


9.      Boundary Layers

a.       Bernard

b.      Pope


10.  Turbulence Modeling

a.       Bernard

b.      Pope