ME:7268 Turbulent Flows


Spring 2025


Instructor:           Professor Frederick Stern


TA:                       Christian Milano


Time/Location:    TTH, 12:15 – 1:30 PM 2133 Seamans Center

                             TTH, office hours after class 223c IIHR 5-5215

                             Or by appointment


Texts:                   Turbulent Fluid Flow, Peter S. Bernard, Wiley


ISBN: 978-1-119-10622-7 March 2019 360 Pages



Turbulent Flows, Stephen B. Pope, Cambridge

ISBN: 9780521598866 October 2000 771 Pages


Class Web Site:



Course Description

Turbulent flows are without doubt one of the most important and challenging topics in fluid mechanics due to the difficulties in mastering its conceptual and mathematical physics complexities, all of which are intimidating to those who wish to gain expertise in the subject.  The goal of Turbulent Flows is to guide the students through the theory and its application to canonical flows whereby they attain competency for industrial practice and/or academic research.  The theory covers averages, correlations, and spectra; turbulent flow equations; scales of turbulence; isotropic turbulence; and turbulent transport and its modeling, including detailed mathematical derivations and physical interpretation.  The applications include free shear flows. channel and pipe flows, and boundary layers.  The students will conduct a hand-on class project by which they will use IIHR towing tank 4DPTV time series data [1, 2] (Fig 1, class web site) to construct their own macro and micro scale analysis via velocity FFTs; autocorrelations (Fig 2, class web site) and their FFTs; Taylor frozen turbulence hypothesis; energy, Kolmogorov, and model spectrums (Fig 2, class web site); and anisotropy analysis, including Lumley triangle and Reynolds stress ellipsoid (Fig 3, class web site).  The textbooks are “Turbulent Fluid Flow” by Peter S. Bernard, Wiley, and “Turbulent Flows” by Stephen B. Pope, Cambridge.  The prerequisite for the class is introductory and intermediate level fluid mechanics courses.  Students are graded based on their class project and homework assignments.  The class website is used for lectures and provides all the class material needed other than the textbooks.


[1] Yugo Sanada, Zachary Starman, Shanti Bhushan, and Frederick Stern, “4D particle tracking velocimetry measurements of unsteady 3D vortex onset and progress for 5415 straight ahead, static drift and pure sway,” Physics of Fluids, special collection Recent Advances Marine Hydrodynamics, editors pick, Vol. 35, Issue 10, 105125 (2023).


[2] Frederick Stern, Yugo Sanada, Zachary Starman, Shanti Bhushan, Christian Milano, “4DPTV Measurements and DES of the Turbulence Structure and Vortex-Vortex Interaction for 5415 Sonar Dome Vortices,” 35th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Nantes, France, 7 July - 12 July 2024.







Syllabus, Assignments and Grading

Syllabus is attached below, and the class schedule follows the syllabus including dates for lectures, reading and homework (HW) assignments, class project and exams.  Final grade is based on HW (100) + class project (200) + exams (200) = 500 total points.  Class project grading:  technical quality 75%; organization and presentation 25%.  Exams are open textbooks only.




Chapter 1 (Introduction)


Chapter 2 (Averages, Correlations and Spectra)


Chapter 3 (Turbulent Flow Equations), BW version


Chapter 4 (Scales of Turbulence)

Part 0: The Energy Cascade and Kolmogorov Hypotheses

Part 1: Spectral representation of e

Part 2: Consequence of Isotropy

Part 3: The Smallest Scales

Part 4: Inertial Subrange

Part 5: Relations between 1D and 3D spectra

Part 6: 1D Spatial and Time Series Spectra

Part 7: Analysis of Kolmogorov Spectra

Part 8: Structure Functions


Chapter 5 (Isotropic Turbulence)

Part 1: Energy Decay

Part 2: Modes of Isotropic Decay and Self-Similarity

Part 3: Equation for Two-Point Correlations & Self-Preservation and the K-H Equation

Part 4: Energy Spectrum Equation

Part 5: Energy Spectrum Equation via Fourier Analysis of the Velocity Field

Part 6: Limitations, shortcomings, and refinements



Chapter 6 (Turbulent Transport and its Modeling)

Part 1: Molecular Momentum Transport

Part 2: Lagrangian Analysis of Turbulent Transport

Part 3: Homogeneous Shear Flow

Part 4: Vorticity Transport


Chapter 7 (Free Shear Flows) - Bernard

Part 0: Coherent Structures

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Turbulent Wake

Part 3: Turbulent Jet

Part 4: Turbulent Mixing Layer


Chapter 7 (Free Shear Flows) – Pope

Part 1: Round and 2D jets

Part 2: Plain Wake and Plain Mixing Layer


Chapter 8 (Channel and Pipe Flows)- Bernard

Part 0: Coherent Structures

Part 1: Channel Flow

Part 2: Pipe Flow


Chapter 8 (Channel and Pipe Flows)- Pope

Part 1: Channel Flow

Part 2: Pipe Flow


Chapter 9 (Boundary Layers) - Bernard


Chapter 9 (Boundary Layers) – Pope

Part 1: Boundary layer flow

Part 2: Mixing length


Chapter 10 (Turbulence Modeling)

      - Bernard

      - Pope