Overall Purpose |
student experience with table-top facility and simple
MS for fluid property measurement, including
comparison manufacturer values and rigorous
implementation standard EFD UA
student experience with complementary EFD, CFD, and UA
for Introductory Pipe Flow, including friction factor
and mean velocity measurements and comparisons benchmark
data, laminar and turbulent flow CFD simulations,
modeling and numerical methods and verification studies, and validation using AFD and EFD. |
student experience with complementary EFD, CFD, and UA
for Introductory Airfoil Flow, including lift and
drag, surface pressure, and mean and turbulent wake
velocity profile measurements and comparisons
benchmark data, inviscid and turbulent flow
simulations, ,
modeling and numerical methods and verification studies , and validation
using AFD and EFD. |
Educational Materials |
FM and EFD lecture; lab report instructions; pre lab
questions, and EFD exercise notes. |
FM, EFD and CFD lectures; lab report instructions; pre
lab questions, and EFD and CFD exercise notes. |
FM, EFD and CFD lectures; lab report instructions; pre
lab questions, and EFD and CFD exercise notes. |