Selected Journal and Conference Papers:
- RE Morely, GE Christensen, TJ Sullivan, O Kamin. The design of a bit-serial
coprocessor to perform multiplication and division on a massively parallel
architecture. Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation, IEEE Computer
Society Press, Washington, October 1988, pp. 419-422.
- RE Morely, GE Christensen, TJ Sullivan. The design of a bit-serial
coprocessor to perform multiplication and division on a massively parallel
architecture. Systolic Array Processors, Prentice Hall, New York, 1989,
pp. 497-503.
- U Grenander, MI Miller, GE Christensen. Deformable anatomical data
bases using global shape models: A position paper for the 1992 electronic
imaging of the human body workshop. Proceedings of the Cooperative Working
Group on Whole Body 3-D Electronic Imaging of the Human Body, March
- GE Christensen, RD Rabbit, MI Miller. A
deformable neuroanatomy textbook based on viscous fluid mechanics.
Invited paper. In Prince and Runolfsson, editors, Proceedings of the
1993 Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, Johns Hopkins University,
March 24-26, 1993, pp. 211-216.
- MI Miller, GE Christensen, Y Amit, U Grenander. Mathematical
textbook of deformable neuroanatomies. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, December 1993, 90(24), pp. 11944-11948.
- GE Christensen, Rabbit, RD, MI Miller. 3D
brain mapping using a deformable neuroanatomy. Physics in Medicine
and Biology, March 1994, (39) pp. 609-618.
- GE Christensen. Deformable
shape models for anatomy. Electrical Engineering D.Sc. Dissertation,
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, August 1994.
- JW Haller, GE Christensen, MI Miller, M Gado, D McKeel, JG Csernansky,
MW Vannier. A comparison of automated and manual segmentation of hippocampus
MR images. Image Processing, Loew, editor, Proceedings SPIE 2434, 1995,
pp. 206-215.
- GE Christensen, Rabbit, RD, MI Miller, SC Joshi, U Grenander, T Coogan,
DC Van Essen. Topological properties of smooth anatomic maps. In Bizais,
Braillot, and Di Paola, editors, Information Processing in Medical Imaging,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1995, (3) pp. 101-112.
- GE Christensen, MI Miller, JL Marsh, MW Vannier. Automatic Analysis
of Medical Images Using a Deformable Textbook. Computer Assisted Radiology
, Lemke, Inamura, Jaffe, and Vannier, editors, Springer Verlag, Berlin,
June, 1995, pp. 146-151.
- JW Haller, GE Christensen, SC Joshi, MI Miller, MW Vannier. Digital
Atlas-based Segmentation of the Hippocampus. Computer Assisted Radiology
, Lemke, Inamura, Jaffe, and Vannier, editors, Springer Verlag, Berlin,
June, 1995, pp. 152-157.
- RD Rabbitt, JA Wiess, GE Christensen, Mapping Inter-subject Variations
in Tissue Geometry. ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Beaver Creek,
Colorado, June, 1995.
- SC Joshi, MI Miller, GE Christensen, T Coogan, U Grenander. The
generalized Dirichlet problem for mapping brain manifolds. Proceedings
of SPIE's 1995 Geometric Methods in Applied Imaging, San Diego, California,
July 9-14, 1995.
- RD Rabbitt, J Wiess, GE Christensen, MI Miller. Mapping
of hyperelastic deformable templates. Proceedings of SPIE's 1995
Geometric Methods in Applied Imaging, San Diego, California, July 9-14,
- GE Christensen, MI Miller, U Grenander, MW Vannier. Individualizing
Neuroanatomical Atlases Using a Massively Parallel Computer. IEEE
Computer, January 1996, pp. 32-38.
- JW Haller, GE Christensen, SC Joshi, JW Newcomer, MI Miller, JG Csernansky,
MW Vannier. Hippocampal MR Morphometry by Pattern Matching. Radiology,
1996, (199) pp. 787-791.
- GE Christensen, AA Kane, JL Marsh, MW Vannier. Synthesis
of an Individualized Cranial Atlas with Dysmorphic Shape. IEEE Proceedings
of Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis, June, 1996, pp.
- GE Christensen, AA Kane, JL Marsh, MW Vannier. A 3D Deformable Infant
CT Atlas, CAR '96: Computer Assisted Radiology, eds. Lemke, Vannier,
Inamura, and Farman, Elsevier, New York, June, 1996, pp. 847-852.
- GE Christensen, RD Rabbit, MI Miller. Deformable
Templates Using Large Deformation Kinematics. IEEE Transactions
on Image Processing, 5(10), 1996, pp. 1435-1447.
- YI Sheline, KJ Black, DY Lin, GE Christensen, MH Gado, BS Brunsden,
and MW Vannier. Stereological
MRI Volumetry of the Frontal Lobe. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging,
67(3), Oct., 1996, pp. 203-214.
- AA Kane, LJ Lo, GE Christensen, MW Vannier, JL Marsh. Relationship
between Bone and Muscles of Mastication in Hemifacial Microsomia, Plastic
and Reconstructive Surgery, 99, 1997, pp. 990-999.
- MW Vannier, JL Marsh, G Wang, GE Christensen, and AA Kane. Surgical
Imaging Systems. Surgical Technology International V, 1997, pp. 33-1
to 33-7.
- JW Haller, A Banerjee, GE Christensen, M Gado, SC Joshi, MI Miller,
Y Sheline, MW Vannier, JG Csernansky. 3D Hippocampal Morphometry by
High Dimensional Transformation of a Neuroanatomical Atlas. Radiology
202(2), Feb. 1997, pp. 504-510.
- GE Christensen, SC Joshi, and MI Miller. Volumetric
Transformation of Brain Anatomy. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging.
16(6), Dec. 1997, pp. 864-877.
- GE Christensen, MIMD
vs. SIMD Parallel Processing: A Case Study in 3D Medical Image Registration.
Parallel Computing 24, 1998, pp. 1369-1383.
- GE Christensen, HJ Johnson, JW Haller, MW Vannier, JL Marsh Synthesizing
average 3D anatomical shapes using deformable templates, Medical Imaging
1999: Image Processing, ed. KM Hanson, SPIE 3661, 1999, pp. 574-582.
- GE Christensen, Consistent
Linear-Elastic Transformations for Image Matching, Information Processing
in Medical Imaging, LCNS 1613, Springer-Verlag, 1999, pp. 224-237.
- GE Christensen, P Yin, MW Vannier, KSC Chao, JL Dempsey, JF Williamson.
Large-deformation image registration
using fluid landmarks, Image Analysis and Interpretation, 2000.
Proceedings. 4th IEEE Southwest Symposium , 2000, pp. 269 -273.
- GE Christensen, HJ Johnson, Consistent
Image Registration, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 20(7),
July 2001, pp. 568-582.
- GE Christensen, B Carlson, KSC Chao, P Yin, PW Grigsby, K Nguyen,
JF Dempsey, FA Lerma, KT Bae, MW Vannier, JF Williamson, Image-Based
Dose Planning of Intracavitary Brachytherapy: Registration of Serial
Imaging Studies using Deformable Anatomic Templates, International
Journal of Radiation, Oncology, Biology, and Physics. 51(1), 2001, pp.
- CA Perlyn, JL Marsh, MW Vannier, AA Kane, P Koppel, KW Clark, GE Christensen,
R Knapp, LJ Lo, D Govier, The Craniofacial Anomalies Archive at St.
Louis Children's Hospital: 20 years of Craniofacial Imaging Experience.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 108(7), 2001, pp. 1862-1870.
- GE Christensen, J He, Consistent
Nonlinear Elastic Image Registration, IEEE Proceedings of Mathematical
Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis, Kauai, Hawaii. Dec. 2001, pp.
- HJ Johnson, GE Christensen, Consistent
Landmark and Intensity-based Image Registration, IEEE Transactions
on Medical Imaging, 21(5), 2002, pp. 450-461.
- GE Christensen, HJ Johnson, Invertibility and Transitivity Analysis
for Nonrigid Image Registration, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 12(1) January, 2003, pp. 106-117.
- B Li, GE Christensen, G McLennan, EA Hoffman, JM Reinhardt, Establishing a normative atlas of the human lung: Inter-subject warping and registration of volumetric CT, Academic Radiology, 10(3) March, 2003, pp. 255-265.
- VA Magnotta, J Bockholt, HJ Johnson, GE Christensen, NC Andreasen, Subcortical, Cerebellar and MR Based Consistent Brain Image Registration, NeuroImage, 19(2), 2003, pp. 233-245.
- P Hellier, C Barillot. I Corouge, B Gibaud, G Le Boualher, L Collins, A Evans, G Malandain, N Ayache, GE Christensen, HJ Johnson, Retrospective Evaluation of Inter-subject Brain Registration, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 22(9), 2003, pp. 1120-1130.
- DA Low, M Nystrom, E Kalinin, P Parikh, JF Dempsey, JD Bradley, SH Wahab, T Islam, GE Christensen, D Politte, BWhiting, A Method for the Reconstruction of 4-Dimensional Gated CT Scans During Free Breathing, Medical Physics, 30(6), 2003, pp. 1254-1263.
- X Geng, D Kumar, GE Christensen, MW Vannier, Inverse Consistent Image Registration of MR Brain Scans: Handedness in Normal Adult Males, In Maintz and Gee, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration, June 2003, LCNS 2717, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 71-80.
- D Kumar, X Geng, GE Christensen, MW Vannier, Characterizing Shape Differences Between Phantom Image Populations Via Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Inverse Consistent Transformations, In Maintz and Gee, editors, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration, 2003, LCNS 2717, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 367-376.
- J He, GE Christensen, Large Deformation Inverse Consistent Elastic Image Registration, In Taylor and Noble, editors, Information Processing in Medical Imaging, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, July, 2003, pp. 438-449.
- GE Christensen, J He, JA Dill, JT Rubinstein, MW Vannier, G Wang, Automatic Measurement of the Labyrinth Using Image Registration and a Deformable Inner Ear Atlas, Academic Radiology, 10(9), Sept., 2003, pp. 988-999.
- EA Hoffman, AV Clough, GE Christensen, CL Lin, G McLennan, JM Reinhardt, BA Simon, M Sonka, MH Tawhai, EJR van Beek, G Wang, The comprehensive imaging-based analysis of the lung: A forum for team science, Academic Radiology, 11(12), Dec., 2004, pp. 1370-1380.
- W Lu, P Parikh, I El Naqa, M Nystrom, J Hubenschmidt, S Wahab, S Mutic, A Sing, GE Christensen, JD Bradley, DA Low, Quantitation of the four-dimensional computed tomography process for lung cancer patients, Medical Physics, 32(4), 2005, pp. 890-901.
- BA Simon, GE Christensen, DA Low, JM Reinhardt, CT Studies of Lung Mechanics, Proc Am Thorac Soc, 2, 2005, pp. 506-507, 517-521.
- X Geng, D Kumar, GE Christensen, Transitive Inverse-Consistent Manifold Registration, 19th International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, IPMI 2005, 2005, pp. 468-479.
- GE Christensen, HJ Johnson, MW Vannier, Synthesizing Average 3D Anatomical Shapes, NeuroImage, 32, 2006, pp. 146-158.
- D Kumar, X Geng, EA Hoffman, GE Christensen, BICIR: Boundary-Constrained Inverse Consistent Image Registration Using WEB-Splines, Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis, 2006.
- TC Ryken, BD Owen, GE Christensen, JM Reinhardt, Rapid prototype patient specific drill-template for cervical pedicle screw placement. Computer Aided Surgery. 2007 12(5):303-8.
- GE Christensen, JH Song, W Lu, I El Naqa, DA Low, Tracking Lung Motion with Inverse Consistent Image Registration. Med Phys. 2007 34(6):2155-63.
- JM Reinhardt, GE Christensen, EA Hoffman, K Ding, K Cao, Registration-derived estimates of local lung expansion as surrogates for regional ventilation, Information Processing in Medical Imaging 2007.
- JM Reinhardt, K Ding, K., K Cao, GE Christensen, EA Hoffman, SV Bodas, Registration-based estimates of local lung tissue expansion compared to xenon-CT measures of specific ventilation, Medical Image Analysis, Accepted.
- B Li, GE Christensen, EA Hoffman, G McLennan, JM Reinhardt, The Construction of a Normative Human Lung Atlas by Inter-Subject Registration of CT Images, Medical Physics, Accepted.
- MI Miller, GE Christensen, SC Joshi, U Grenander. Method and Apparatus
for Image Registration. United States, patent number 6,009,212. Issued
- MI Miller, GE Christensen, SC Joshi. Rapid Convolution Based Large
Deformation Image Matching via Landmark and Volume Imagery. United States,
patent number 6,226,418. Issued 5/1/01.
- MI Miller, GE Christensen, SC Joshi. Rapid Convolution Based Large
Deformation Image Matching via Landmark and Volume Imagery. United States,
patent number 6,408,107. Issued 6/18/02.
- GE Christensen, Method and Apparatus for Generating Consistent Image Registration. United States, patent number 6,611,615. Issued 8/26/03.