Omicron Chapter — University of Iowa
The Omicron Chapter of Theta Tau was founded on February 3, 1923 at the University of Iowa.
Since then, our chapter has grown to encompass fifty-six members, including both undergraduate and
graduate students. Also, there are many alumni that remain active throughout Iowa, and other areas
of the United States. Our chapter focuses on the professional development of individuals as well as
the development of strong and lasting relationships among members. Omicron chapter holds Recruitment
each fall and spring semester. We have seven committees, one of which each member is involved in.
These committees include Alumni Relations, Brotherhood, Fundraising, Marketing, Philanthropy,
Professional Development and Recruitment. Through these committees, and various officer positions,
we have numerous leadership opportunities within the fraternity. With each semester, we hope the
the leaders of the committees aim to better both the fraternity, the College of Engineering, and
the community as a whole. With a recent increase in interest in the fraternity, more and more members
are being initiated each semester. With that being said, even as our numbers grow, our chapter
remains close.
For more information on specific committees, please feel free to click on any of the committee titles
in the sidebar.
Fraternity Goals
For our Brotherhood:
We forge lifelong bonds of fraternal friendship, a journey that develops and delivers a network of
lasting personal and professional relationships. We foster an inviting, safe, and social environment
in which our members become lifelong friends.
For our Profession:
We develop and nurture engineers with strong communication, problem-solving, collaboration, and leadership
skills that we demonstrate in our profession, our community, and in our lives.
For our Communities:
We are known for our service to our college, university and the larger community. Our service projects
create a unifying environment for learning and personal growth for our members