Selected Publications
(Last Updated: May.2021)
Journal Articles
- Fei, F., Kotak, P., He, L., Li, X., Vanderhoef, C., Lamuta, C., Song, X., 2021. “Cephalopod-inspired Stretchable Self-morphing Skin via Embedded Printing and Twisted Spiral Artificial Muscles.” Advanced Functional Materials.

- He, L., Wang, X., Fei, F., Chen, L., Song, X., 2021. “Selectively Doped Piezoelectric Ceramics with Tunable Piezoelectricity via Suspension-Enclosing Projection Stereolithography.” Additive Manufacturing.
- Remy, M., Akkouch, A., He, L., Eliason, S., Sweat, M., Krongbaramee, T., Fei, F., Qian, F., Amendt, A.; Song, X., Hong, L., 2021. “Rat Calvarial Bone Regeneration by 3D-Printed Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate Incorporating MicroRNA-200c.” ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering.
- Yang, W., Wang, Z., Yang, T., He, L., Song, X., Liu, Y., Chen, L., 2021. “Exploration of the Underlying Space in Microscopic Images via Deep Learning for Additively Manufactured Piezoceramics.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
- Fei, F., He, L., Kirby, L. and Song, X., 2020.Study Of Droplet Diffusion In Hydrothermal-Assisted Transient Jet Fusion Of Ceramics. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, pp.1-21.
- Henprasert, P., Dawson, D., El-Kerdani, T., Song, X., Couso-Queiruga, E., Holloway, J., 2020. “Comparison of the Accuracy of Implant Position using Surgical Guides Fabricated by Additive and Subtractive Techniques.” Journal of Prosthodontics.
- Fei, F., He, L., Zhou, B., Xu, Z. and Song, X., 2019. "Hydrothermal-Assisted Transient Binder Jetting of Ceramics for Achieving High Green Density". JOM, pp.1-7.
- Song, X., He, L., Yang, W., Wang, Z., Chen, Z., Guo, J., Wang, H., Chen, L., 2019. "Additive Manufacturing of Bi-continuous Piezocomposites with Triply Periodic Phase Interfaces for Combined Flexibility and Piezoelectricity". ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering.
- Alluri, R., Song, X., Bougioukli, S., Pannell, W., Vakhshori, V., Sugiyama, O., Tang, A., Park, S.H., Chen, Y. and Lieberman, J.R., 2019. "Regional Gene Therapy with 3D Printed Scaffolds to Heal Critical Sized Bone Defects in a Rat Model". Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A.
- He, L., Fei, F., Wang, W. and Song, X., 2019. "Support-Free Ceramic Stereolithography of Complex Overhanging Structures based on an Elasto-viscoplastic Suspension Feedstock". ACS applied materials & interfaces.
- Chen, Z., Qian, X., Song, X., Jiang, Q., Huang, R., Yang, Y., Li, R., Shung, K., Chen, Y. and Zhou, Q., 2019. "Three-Dimensional Printed Piezoelectric Array for Improving Acoustic Field and Spatial Resolution in Medical Ultrasonic Imaging". Micromachines, 10(3), p.170.
- Yang, Y., Song, X., Li X., Chen, Z., Zhou, C., Zhou, Q., Chen, Y., 2018. "Recent Progress in Biomimetic Additive Manufacturing Technology: From Materials to Functional Structures". Advanced Materials.
- He, L., Song, X., 2018. "Supportability of a High-Yield-Stress Slurry in A New Stereolithography-based Ceramic Fabrication".JOM.
- Ji, Y.Z., Wang, Z., Wang, B., Chen, Y., Zhang, T., Chen, L.Q., Song, X. and Chen, L., 2017. "Effect of Meso-Scale Geometry on Piezoelectric Performances of Additively Manufactured Flexible Polymer-Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 Composites". Advanced Engineering Materials.
- Yang Yang#, Zeyu Chen#, Xuan Song#(Co-first author), Zhuofeng Zhang, Jun Zhang, K. Kirk Shung, Qifa Zhou, Yong Chen, 2017."Biomimetic anisotropic reinforcement architectures by electrically assisted nanocomposite 3D printing". Advanced Materials, 29(11).

- Xuan Song, Zhuofeng Zhang, Zeyu Chen,and Yong Chen, 2017. "Porous Structure Fabrication Using a Streolithography-based Sugar Foaming Method". ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering,139(3), p.031015.
- Xuan Song, Zeyu Chen, Liwen Lei, Kirk Shung, Qifa Zhou, Yong Chen, 2017."Piezoelectric Component Fabrication Using Projection-based Stereolithography of Barium Titanate Ceramic Suspensions". Rapid Prototyping Journal,23(1).
- Wu, H., Liu, W., He, R., Wu, Z., Jiang, Q., Song, X., Chen, Y., Cheng, L. and Wu, S., 2017. “Fabrication of dense zirconia-toughened alumina ceramics through a stereolithography-based additive manufacturing”. Ceramics International.
- Yang Yang#, Zeyu Chen#, Xuan Song# (Co-first author), Benpeng Zhu, Pin-I Wu, Rui Xiong, Jing Shi, Yong Chen, Qifa Zhou, K. Kirk Shung, 2016. Three-Dimensional printing of High Dielectric Capacitor using Projection based Stereolithography”. Nano Energy.
- Zeyu Chen#, Xuan Song#(Co-first author), Liwen Lei, Yong Chen, Qifa Zhou, Kirk Shung, 2016. "3D Printing of Piezoelectric Element for Ultrasonic Sensing and Imaging". Nano Energy.
- Liu, W., Wu, H., Zhou, M., He, R., Jiang, Q., Wu, Z., Cheng, Y., Song, X., Chen, Y. and Wu, S., 2016. "Fabrication of fine-grained alumina ceramics by a novel process integrating stereolithography and liquid precursor infiltration processing". Ceramics International.
- Wu, H., Cheng, Y., Liu, W., He, R., Zhou, M., Wu, S., Song, X. and Chen, Y., 2016. "Effect of the particle size and the debinding process on the density of alumina ceramics fabricated by 3D printing based on stereolithography". Ceramics International.
- Maopeng Zhou, Wei Liu, Haidong Wu, Xuan Song, Yong Chen, Lixia Cheng, Fupo He, Shixi Chen, Shanghua Wu, 2016. “Preparation of a defect-free alumina cutting tool via additive manufacturing based on stereolithography –optimization of the drying and debinding processes”. Ceramics International.
- Xuan Song, Yong Chen, Tae Woo Lee, Shanghua Wu, Lixia Cheng, 2015. Ceramic Fabrication Using Mask-Image-Projection-based Stereolithography Integrated with Tape-casting”. SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes, doi:10.1016/j.jmapro.2015.06.022.
- Xuan Song, Yayue Pan, Yong Chen, 2015. Development of a Low-cost Parallel Kinematic Machine for Multi-directional Additive Manufacturing”. ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 137(2), 021005. doi: 10.1115/1.4028897.
- Yixiong Feng, Jin Cheng, Xuan Song, Jianrong Tan, 2014. "Robust engineering: improved inductive design exploration approach to bionic system". Materials Research Innovations. 18(s5), pp. s5-73-s5-75.
- Yixiong Feng, Yicong Gao, Xuan Song, Jianrong Tan, 2013." Equilibrium Design Based on Design Thinking Solving: An Integrated Multicriteria Decision-Making Methodology". Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 8, 27, doi:10.1155/2013/125291.
- Yixiong Feng, Xuan Song, Jianrong Tan, Liping Ding,2012. K-WFA based kinematic scheme design method of mechanical product”. (in Chinese). Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science), 46(3), Mar: 515-523.
Conference Proceedings
- Kirby, L., Fei, F., Wang, C., Song, X.. “Hydrothermal Assisted Transient Jet Fusion of Ceramics: A Test Case Using Bentonite Clay.” Procedia Manufacturing, SME NAMRC 48, 2020.
- He, L., Fei, F., Wang, W., Song, X.. “Layerless Additive Manufacturing of Metal Alloy Components Using Immiscible-Interface Assisted Direct Metal Drawing”. Procedia Manufacturing, SME NAMRC 47, Penn State Behrend, Erie, PA, 2019.
- He, L., Fei, F., Wang, W., Song, X.. “Immiscible-interface Assisted Direct Metal Drawing”. 29th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. August 13-15, Austin, Texas, 2018.
- Song, X., He, L., Yang, W., Wang, Z., Chen, L. “Co-continuous Piezocomposites With Triply Periodic Phase Interfaces For Enhanced Mechanical Flexibility and Piezoelectricity”. The 13th Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference of ASME (MSEC2018).
- He, Y., Fei, F., Wang, W., Song, X., Sun, Z, Baek, S.. “Predicting Manufactured Shapes Of A Projection Micro-Stereolithography Process Via Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Networks”. ASME IDETC/CIE, 2018.
- Chen, Z., Jiang, Q., Song, X., Wang, K., Wu, S., Zhou, Q., Chen, Y., Shung, K.. "Piezoelectric array for transducer application using additive manufacturing," 2017 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Washington, DC, 2017, pp. 1-4.
- He, L., Song, X.. “Supportability of A Highly Viscous Slurry in a New Stereolithography-based Ceramic Fabrication Process”. 28th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. August 7-9, Austin, Texas, 2017.
- Song, X., 2016. "Slurry-based Stereolithography: A Solid Freeform Fabrication Method of Ceramics and Composites". PhD Dissertation. University of Southern California. download