Material and Energy Balances

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Topic 1 - Orientation

Lesson 1
- Explanation of the operation and interactive features of the course.
- Course objectives and grading policy.
- What is chemical engineering?

Topic 2 - Preliminary concepts

Lesson 2
- Units and dimensions, systems of units, dimensional homogeneity.

Lesson 3
- Scientific notation, significant figures, precision.
- Graphical data representation.

Topic 3 - Chemical engineering processes

Lesson 4
- Classifications of processes.
- Process variables.

Topic 4 - Material balances on non-reactive processes containing a single process unit

Lesson 5
- The conceptual balance equation.
- Differential balances.
- Integral balances.
- Choosing a basis and scaling.

Topic 5 - Material balances on processes containing multiple process units

Lesson 6
- Flowcharts for processes that contain multiple process units
- Strategies for material balances on processes containing multiple process units

Lesson 7
- Cooperative learning and team skills for engineers
- The people-balance group project

Topic 6 - Material balances on reactive processes

Lesson 8
- Basic definitions of terms describing chemical reactions.
- Reaction stoichiometry.

Lesson 9
- The atomic balance approach.
- The molecular balance approach.
- The extent of reaction approach

Lesson 10
- Competing reactions.
- Combustion reactions.

Topic 7 - Introduction to thermodynamics of single-phase systems

Lesson 11
- Property determination for solids and liquids.
- The Gibbs Phase Rule
- Ideal gases.

Lesson 12
- Real gas equations of state.
- Law of Corresponding States

Topic 8 - Introduction of thermodynamics of single-component, multi-phase systems

Lesson 13
- Phase diagrams for single component systems.
- The Antoine Equation.

Topic 9 - Introduction of thermodynamics of multi-component, multi-phase systems

Lesson 14
- Vapor-liquid Systems Containing One Condensable Component
- Multi-component Vapor-liquid phase equilibria.

Lesson 15
- Solid-liquid phase equilibria.
- Liquid-liquid phase equilibria.

Topic 10 - Engineering Ethics

Lesson 16
- Engineering Ethical Guidelines
- Ethics Case Studies

Topic 11 - Energy balances on closed systems

Lesson 17
- Forms of energy, heat, and work.
- Joule's experiment
- The first law of thermodynamics.

Topic 12 - Energy balances on open systems at steady state

Lesson 18
- Definitions of enthalpy, flow work, and shaft work.
- Derivation of the differential energy balance for continuous flow systems.

Lesson 19
- Tables of thermodynamic data.
- Example Energy Balance problems.

Topic 13 - Energy balances on non-reactive processes

Lesson 20
- State properties and hypothetical process paths.
- Sensible heat calculations (heat associated with a change in temperature).
- Latent heat calculations (heat associated with a change in phase).

Topic 14 - Energy balances on reactive processes.

Lesson 21
- Heats of reaction.
- Hess's Law and heats of formation.
- Hess's Law and heats of combustion.
- Energy balance calculations for reactive processes.

Lesson 22
- Adiabatic reactions (processes with unknown outlet conditions).
- Adiabatic flame temperature for combustion reactions.

Lesson 23
- Simultaneous energy and material balances.


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