The actual course site has a Help page that describes the
layout of the site, provides instructions for installing and
testing various software technologies used in the course,
and explains how to contact the the University of Iowa telephone
support help line (1-800-500-1554).
The Help page in the actual course site provides
extensive, detailed instructions concerning the topics
listed below. Only the titles of the sections of Help are
listed here, to give you an idea of the scope of this
feature. They include:
- Basic hardware, software, and network connectivity
requirements for viewing this site
- Listening to audio narrations
- Popup navigation menus and Answer buttons on "Short
answer question" pages require JavaScript
- WebTalk discussion system
- Animations and videos require QuickTime
- Site navigation features
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the beginning of the sample lesson,
or use your browser's "back" button to return to the page
you were on.