Material & Energy Balances

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Topic 2 Lesson 2
Units and dimensions, systems of units, dimensional homogeneity


Force and Newton's Laws

Force, Mass, and Weight


Newton's Second Law, SI Units




A force of one Newton applied to a mass of one kilogram results in an acceleration of one meter per second squared.

1 N = 1 kg m / s2

Therefore, the proportionality constant is unity for the SI system of units.

Newton's Second Law, American Engineering Units




A force of one pound-force applied to a mass of one pound-mass results in an acceleration of 32.174 feet per second squared.

1 lbf = 32.174 lbm ft / s2

Therefore, the proportionality constant is not unity for the American Engineering system of units.

Newton's Second Law, Generalized for all Systems of Units


Force = Mass x Acceleration / gc

F = ma/gc


gc is best viewed as a conversion factor between two derived units of force:

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