Material & Energy Balances

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Topic 2 Lesson 2
Units and dimensions, systems of units, dimensional homogeneity


Short answer questions

1. What is the conversion factor for (minutes)2 to (seconds)2?

2. Which is larger, a pound-mass or a kilogram?

3. How many centimeters are in a foot?

4. How many square centimeters are in a square foot?

5. Which of the following quantities is countable (rather than measurable)?

a. The mass of a bushel of apples;
b. The volume of cider pressed from the apples;
c. The velocity of a falling apple;
d. The apple trees in an orchard.

6. Which of the following quantities is measurable (rather than countable)?

a. The chickens in a hen house;
b. The cartons of eggs in a grocery;
c. The scrambled eggs on a platter;
d. The hard-boiled eggs in a pot.

7. What is the first unit for countable objects that you encountered as a child?

8. What is the conversion factor needed to convert millimeters to centimeters?

9. What is the conversion factor needed to convert square feet to square inches?

10. Which set of conversion factors would you use to convert the quantity 28.94 J/(g-mol °C) to units of Btu/(lbm-mol °F)? Note: be sure that the numerator and denominator have the correct units.


1 J / 9.486 x 10-4 Btu
1000 g-mol / 2.20462 lbm-mol
1.8 °F / 1 °C


1 J / 9.486 x 10-4 Btu
2.20462 lbm-mol / 1000 g-mol
1.8 °F / 1 °C


9.486 x 10-4 Btu / 1 J
1000 g-mol / 2.20462 lbm-mol
1°C / 1.8 °F


1 J / 9.486 x 10-4 Btu
1000 g-mol / 2.20462 lbm-mol
1 °C / 1.8 °F

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