Material & Energy Balances

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Topic 2 Lesson 2
Units and dimensions, systems of units, dimensional homogeneity


Mass and Weight

The Slug as a Unit of Mass


The slug is an alternative unit of mass in the American Engineering System of units.

A force of one pound-force applied to a mass of one slug will result in an acceleration of one foot per second squared.

Mass/weight relationship


Newton's Second Law
Relationship between Mass and Weight


Weight = Mass x Acceleration of gravity / gc

W = mg/gc

The weight of a 1.0 kg mass is 9.8 Newtons.

The weight of a 1.0 lbm is 1.0 lbf.

Newton's Second Law
The Relationship between g and gc

 g is the gravitational acceleration.

  • It has a value of 9.81 m/s2 and 32.174 ft/s2 at sea level and 45° latitude.
  • Its value changes slightly as you change elevation on Earth.
  • Its value could change dramatically if you traveled to a different planet.

gc is a constant conversion factor.

  • It has a defined value of 1 kg·m/s2 per Newton and 32.174 lbm·ft/s2 per lbf.
  • Its value does not change as you change elevation on Earth.
  • Its value would not change if you traveled to a different planet.
Solar system graphic

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