Material & Energy Balances

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Topic 2 Lesson 2
Units and dimensions, systems of units, dimensional homogeneity


Short answer questions

1. Is volume a simple (or base) dimension or a derived dimension?

2. What base unit is the same for all three systems of units?

3. What is the base unit for mass in the American Engineering system (AES)?

4. Is force a simple dimension or a derived dimension?

5. What is the base unit for length in the CGS system of units?

6. True or false, an hour is an example of a multiple unit?

7. True or false, a square foot is an example of a multiple unit?

8. True or false, 3.2 is a base unit?

9. True or false, a Joule is the preferred unit for energy in the CGS system?

10. Which system of units is the oldest?

11. Which system would be preferred for a small mass, CGS or SI?

12. Which is larger, a nanosecond or a picosecond?

13. Which is larger, a teragram or a megagram?

14. Is velocity (length/time) an example of a unit or a dimension?

15. The unit for force in the AES is the pound-force. Is this simple or derived?

16. What is the derived unit for density in the SI system?

17. What is the derived unit for density in the CGS system?

18. What is the derived unit for density in the AES system?

19. What is the newest system of units that we discussed?

20. Name three multiple units for length in the AES system.

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