Material & Energy Balances

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Topic 2 Lesson 2
Units and dimensions, systems of units, dimensional homogeneity


Unit Conversion, Conversions

Unit Conversions

Units collage globe

Conversion Factors within the Same System of Units

12 inches/1 foot

spacer dot

5280 feet/1 mile

1000 grams/1 kilogram

spacer dot

100 centimeters/1 meter

Rulers showing inches and feet

Can you name four more?

Conversion Factors Between Different Systems of Units

1 lbm/0.454 kg

spacer dot

1 kg/2.2 lbm

3.2808 ft/1 meter

spacer dot

1 m3/35.3 ft3

3.652 liters/gallon

Also see the table of conversion factors on the inside front cover of the book.

Base Unit Conversion


To convert a measured value from one base unit to another, multiply by the appropriate conversion factor as shown below:

165 lbm (0.453593 kg / lbm) = 74.8 kg

Derived Unit Conversion


To convert a measured value from one derived unit to another, you may need to multiply by a series of conversion factors as illustrated below:

Units for Countable objects


Countable objects are articles that occur in integer numbers only. Examples include cows, cars, and people!

Cars in parking lot 

Note that countable objects may have attributes that are measurable. For example, the cows in a pasture are countable, but the mass of each cow is measurable.

2.1 cows? (no)

A mass of 312.1 kilograms? (yes)

Hint: the word countable can remind you of cows and tables (cow-n-table) (sorry about the bad pun).

Units used for countable objects include dozen (12), gross (144), and mole (6.023 x 1023).

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