Day 1 Photos (June 28th)

Day 1(June 28th) Day 2(June 29th) Day 3(June 30th) Part 1 Day 3(June 30th) Part 2

Day 3(June 30th) Part 3 Day 4(July 1st) Day 5(July 2nd) Day 6(July 3rd)


Crossing the Mississippi

Hello Illinois

"Get it on!" became a catch phrase for the rest of the trip.

Yeah, a huge metal cross outside of Effingham, IL. Strange.


Michael getting the essentials out for lunch.

Michael coming around the table to punch me for taking a picture without his notice.

No doubt.

The vehicle that made this trip possible.

Metropolis, IL... the last town before Kentucky. On the day "Superman Returns" came out too.

Metropolis. They sure love Superman here.

Ohio River.

Ohio River.

Ohio River and a thing in it.

Welcome to Kentucky!

24. The Interstate, not the FOX television show. Common mistake.

This is pretty much all of Kentucky right here. Road, trees, and the occisional bridge over water.

Tennessee River.

Tennessee... our 4th state in one day.

Lot's of rock walls(bluffs?) along the Interstate.

Nashville just sort of popped up out of nowhere.



Nashville, TN. Home of the Tennessee Titans.

On the road again.

This state is so cool when it comes to outside visuals.

Big hill. Our ears were popping the whole way down.

The trucks were going no more than 20 mph probably on the way down. It was more steep than this picture makes it look.

Truck ramp for semis that lose their brakes going down the hill up ahead.

Truck ramp for semis that lose their brakes going down the hill.

Very beautiful countryside.

Hmmm, looks like someone had to use one of those runaway ramps.

The view from our hotel room in Kimball, TN.

Michael looking thrilled to be done with the road for the day.

Mathew looking thrilled to be done with the road for the day.

Hillarious. This was in our parking lot at the Holiday Inn express.

Everything you wanted to know about Kimball, TN is in this paragraph.