Image Gallery - Vortices
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Supertyphoon Yuri, Western Pacific
Ocean Twister Another Twister Wake Vortex Study at Wallops
* Supertyphoon Yuri, Western Pacific Ocean * Twister * Another Twister * Wake Vortex Study at Wallops Island
B-727 in flight during vortex study Trailing vortices Karman vortex street in thedownstream region of Heard Island Vortex shedding off back of Sorrocco Island
*B-727 in flight during vortex study *Trailing vortices * Karman vortex "street" in the downstream region of Heard Island *Vortex shedding off back of Sorrocco Island
Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities Cigarette smoke Vortex Ring Karman Vortex Street
* Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities * Cigarette smoke * Vortex Ring * Karman Vortex Street

Eddy motion in coflowing
jets and wakes
* Eddy motion in coflowing jets and wakes

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