Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois, 1992
M.S., Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois, 1989
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Lehigh University, 1988
B.A., Psychology, Lehigh University, 1987 |
Lee, J.D. and See, K.A. (2004), "Trust in automation: Designing for appropriate reliance," Human Factors, 46, 50-80. |
Lee, J.D., Caven, B., Haake, S., and Brown, T.L., "Speech-based interaction with in-vehicle computers: The effect of speech-based e-mail on drivers' attention to the roadway." Human Factors, 43, 631-640, 2001. |
Gao, J., and Lee, J. D. A dynamic model of interaction between reliance on automation and cooperation in multi-operator multi-automation situations. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 36, 512-526, 2006. |
Lee, J.D., and Moray, N., "Trust, self-confidence and operators' adaptation to automation," International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 40, 153-184, 1994. |
Lee, J.D., and Moray, N., "Trust and allocation of function in human-machine systems," Ergonomics, 35 (10), 1243-1270, 1992. |