
This organization shall be known as the Engineering Student Council. It shall be referred to as the ESC, hereafter.

Article I. Purpose

The purpose of the ESC shall be to provide a liaison for the student organizations in the University of Iowa College of Engineering to:

 1. the College of Engineering Administration,

 2. the University of Iowa Administration, and

 3. the University of Iowa Student Association (UISA)

 The ESC shall also provide student views to the College of Engineering's Dean and Faculty Committees as stipulated in their respective charter and bylaws. Furthermore, the ESC shall provide approval for supplementary funding, as provided by the Dean of the College of Engineering, to the engineering student organizations for their programs and separate from funding available from UISA.

Article II. Membership

Section 1.

 Any UISA recognized student organization with a majority membership consisting of engineering students shall be entitled to having one voting representative to the ESC.

Section 2.

 An organization, not recognized by UISA, may be recognized by a simple majority vote of the ESC representatives and after such vote the organization shall be entitled to one voting representative to the ESC. This recognition is for the duration of the organization or as long as the said organization is in good standing with the ESC.

Section 3.

 Each UISA student senator representing the engineering student body shall be a voting representative of the ESC.

Section 4.

 No person shall be a voting representative for more than one student organization at a meeting of the ESC.

Section 5.

 As appointed by the Dean of the College of Engineering, the engineering administration shall have one non-voting representative to the ESC.

Section 6.

 As appointed by the Engineering Faculty Council, the faculty shall have one non-voting representative to the ESC.

Section 7.

 The ESC in no aspect of its programs shall there be any difference in the treatment of persons because of race, national origin, creed, color, disability, age, gender, any consideration based on affectional, sexual, or associational preference, or any other classification which would deprive the person of consideration as an individual. The organization will guarantee that equal opportunity and access to its membership, programming, facilities, and benefits shall be open to all persons.

Article III. Officers and Duties

Section 1.

 From the student representatives to the ESC, there shall be elected a Chair, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary. The term for each office shall be one half year. Election of the ESC officers shall be in accordance with Article V of the ESC Charter.

Section 2.

 The Chair's duties shall include, but not limited to, the following:

 a. presiding over all meetings of the ESC,

 b. calling of special meetings under the advisement of the ESC and/or the engineering administration representative,

 c. power to appoint committees within the ESC and give charges as requested by the ESC representatives, and

d. maintain and update, as needed, the ESC Charter.

Section 3.

 The Corresponding Secretary's duties shall include, but not limited to, the following:

 a. preside over meetings, in the absence of the Chair,

 b. recording the minutes of meetings, in the absence of the Recording Secretary.

 c. provide written notification to engineering student organizations, administration, and faculty regarding the actions and recommendations of the ESC, and

d. maintain the ICAEN class account for the ESC.

Section 4.

 The Recording Secretary's duties shall include, but not limited to, the following:

 a. recording and submitting for approval the minutes of ESC meetings,

 b. recording the attendance of student organization's ESC representatives at the regular meetings of the ESC, and

 c. recording the budget and financial actions of the ESC including approvals for funding of student organization programs as requested.

Section 5.

 Each officer of the ESC shall maintain a record of their actions to aid in the transition and continuity between each tenure of the office.

Section 6.

 An elected officer of the ESC may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the ESC representatives and the approval of the engineering administration representative.

Section 7.

 In the event that any officer(s) of the ESC shall resign, for any reason, a special meeting shall be called by the engineering administration representative. The purpose of this special meeting shall be solely to conduct election(s) for the vacant position(s) following the provisions in Article V, Sections 2 through 4.

Article IV. Meetings

Section 1.

 A regular meeting of the ESC shall be held in last week of each month school is in session excluding summer sessions. Quorum for any meeting of the ESC shall be determined as greater than fifty (50%) percent of the average attendance of the last two regular ESC meetings.

Section 2.

 During the summer session, ESC may meet as an ad hoc committee as appointed by the Chair of the ESC.

Section 3.

 Notification from the Corresponding Secretary shall be in the form of a memo, electronic mail to the representatives, and posting in the ESC class account, etc. An agenda for the special meeting shall be provided, in advance, by the Chair and only those topics contained therein shall be discussed at the meeting.

Section 4.

 A special meeting of the ESC may be called by any three concurring representatives if an appeal to the Chair for such a meeting is declined. The agenda for the special meeting shall be provided, in advance, by the concurring representatives and only those topics contained therein shall be discussed at the meeting.

Section 5.

 All meetings of the ESC shall be open to the public. The ESC shall hear student concerns, as called upon be the Chair, in any open meeting. The exception shall be those meetings voted closed by a majority of the representatives of the ESC in attendance at the beginning of such meetings.

Article V. Elections

Section 1.

 The officers of the ESC, as listed in Article III, shall be elected at the regular meeting of each October and March. At the conclusion of the meeting in which elections are held, the newly elected officers shall assume their positions. Notification of elections shall be in the form of an announcement at the meeting prior, a memo, electronic mail to the representatives, and posting in the ESC class account.

Section 2.

 Candidates for the officers of the ESC shall be nominated by a representative at the meeting in which elections are held. Nominations must be accepted by the individual to become a candidate for election. It is preferable, but not required, that the candidates have participated as a representative to ESC prior to election as an officer. The candidates must be a registered student in the College of Engineering and a representative to the ESC.

Section 3.

 Election of the ESC officers shall be by secret ballot of the voting members of the ESC. The ballots shall be counted by the engineering administration and faculty representatives. The candidate obtaining the most votes shall be the duly elected officer. In the event of two or more candidates receiving the equal number of votes, a re-vote consisting of only those candidates shall be taken to determine the duly elected officer.

Section 4.

 A candidate not elected to the office for which they were nominated may continue to run for the other offices of the ESC without re-nomination. No representative may hold more than one office of the ESC at any time.

Article VI. Finances

Section 1.

 The finances of the ESC include, but are not limited to, allocations from the Dean of the College of Engineering.

Section 2.

Supplemental funding requests must be received by an ESC officer at least 7 days prior to the October or March meeting.  The ESC officers must review the requests and then present their recommendations to the other members of the ESC at the October and March meeting.  These meetings are the only meetings in which requests will be approved.   Additional requests may be considered at another time if the members of the council votes to do so.  The council will vote on the recommendations, with the addition of any amendments.

Section 3.

 The ESC approval of a supplemental funding request from a engineering student organizations shall take into consideration, but not limited to, the following criteria:

 a. organization's financial need as determined by the written presentation of the organization's and program's budget

b. program's objective, including:

 1. the number of participants (student, faculty, alumni, citizens, etc.),

 2. the community reached by the program, and

 3. the scope of the program in promoting engineering and the Iowa College of Engineering to the public.

 c. organization's attempt to obtain funding from sources external to the University of Iowa

 d. attendance and participation of organization's representatives in the ESC meetings and committees.

Section 3.

 Upon dissolution state money and mandatory student fees revert back to the granting organization. Group fees should be divided as stated in the Charter.

Article VII. Amendments

Section 1.

 Notification of proposed amendments or repeals of the Charter of the ESC shall be given to each representative fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting in which proposals shall be discussed. This notification shall be in the form of a memo to the representatives, electronic mail to the representatives, and posting in the ESC class account.

Section 2.

 The Charter of the ESC may only be amended or repealed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the average attendance of the last two regular meetings of the ESC.