Professor, The University of Iowa [July 2005 - Present]Associate Professor, The University of Iowa [July 2001 - June 2005]Assistant Professor, The University of Iowa [August 1995 - June 2001]Teach courses in the areas of structural mechanics, reliability, and computer-aided engineering at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Current research focuses on probabilistic and computational mechanics with applications in mechanical, civil, nuclear, automotive, and aerospace structures. Current studies involve:
Faculty Fellow, NASA Lewis Research Center [June 1997 - August 1997]Performed research on computational durability analysis of ceramic structures subjected to fatigue and creep. More specifically, research involves:
Research Scientist, Battelle Columbus Laboratories [November 1990 - July 1995]Developed research programs and conducted studies for programs (funded by USNRC, FAA/DoT, AGA, GRI, IPIRG, and other industrial sponsors) on elastic-plastic fracture mechanics and advanced probabilistic analysis of structural systems. Examples of such programs include:
Graduate Research Assistant, Cornell University [January 1987 - November 1990]Developed advanced probabilistic models for local and global damage assessment of structural systems subject to random seismic excitations. Work involved improved definitions of seismicity, novel methods to evaluate system response, and more accurate assessment of seismic reliability.
Teaching Assistant, Purdue University [August 1985 - December 1986]Taught recitation sections for both undergraduate and graduate courses, such as Strength of Materials and Plates and Shells.
Lecturer, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology [September 1984 - August1985]Taught undergraduate courses, such as Mechanics of Materials and Structural Analysis and Design, in the Department of Civil Engineering.
Research Engineer, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology [September 1984 - August1985]Performed finite element analysis of thin and thick shell structures. Work included mesh generation and data preparation for their use in general and special purpose finite element codes. Work also involved experimental studies on material characterization.
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