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Transformation Properties

The following definitions will be used throughout the paper. Let $ T_i$ for $ i \in Q = \{A, B, C, \ldots \}$ denote a set of homogeneous, topologically-equivalent anatomical images defined on the coordinate system or domain $ \Omega = [0,1]^3$. For example, $ T_A$, $ T_B$, etc., may correspond to a set of 3D MRI brain images collected from age and sex matched normals or abnormals or some other suitable classification criteria. Let $ h_{AB}$ represent the transformation from the coordinate system of image $ T_A$ to that of image $ T_B$ in terms of the coordinate system of image $ T_B$ as shown in Figure 1. Let the linear transformation $ x = h_{AB}(y)$ deform image $ T_A(x)$ into a new image $ \tilde{T}(y) = T_A(h_{AB}(y))$ that resembles the shape of image $ T_B(y)$ by transforming the coordinate system of image $ T_A$ to that of image $ T_B$. Define $ H$ as the set of all transformations $ h_{AB}(x)$ for $ A,B \in Q$ and $ x \in \Omega$. Let $ \vert\vert x \vert\vert = \sqrt{x_1^2 + x_2^2 +x_3^2}$ denote the standard 2-norm.

Figure 1: Notation used to describe transformations from one coordinate system to another.

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Gary E. Christensen 2002-07-04

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Questions or Comments: gary-christensen@uiowa.edu