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K.H. Höhne, M. Bomans, M. Reimer, and R. Schubert.
A 3D anatomical atlas based on a volume model.
IEEE Comput. Graphics Appl., 12(4):72-78, 1992.

M.I. Miller, G.E. Christensen, Y. Amit, and U. Grenander.
Mathematical textbook of deformable neuroanatomies.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 90(24):11944-48, December 1993.

J.C. Mazziotta, A.W. Toga, A. Evans, P. Fox, and J. Lancaster.
A Probabilistic Atlas of the Human Brain: Theory and Rationale for Its Development.
Neuroimage, 2:89-101, 1995.

M.I. Miller, A. Banerjee, G.E. Christensen, S.C. Joshi, N. Khaneja, U. Grenander, and L. Matejic.
Statistical methods in computational anatomy.
Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 6:267-299, 1997.

J.W. Haller, A. Banerjee, G.E. Christensen, M. Gado, S.C. Joshi, M.I. Miller, Y. Sheline, M.W. Vannier, and J.G. Csernansky.
3D hippocampal morphometry by high dimensional transformation of a neuroanatomical atlas.
Radiology, 202(2):504-510, February 1997.

J.W. Haller, G.E. Christensen, S.C. Joshi, J.W. Newcomer, M.I. Miller, J.G. Csernansky, and M.W. Vannier.
Hippocampal MR morphometry by pattern matching.
Radiology, 199(3):787-791, June 1996.

G.E. Christensen, B. Carlson, K.S.C. Chao, P. Yen, P.W. Grigsby, K. Nguyen, J.F. Dempsey, F.A. Lerma, K.T. Bae, M.W. Vannier, and J.F. Williamson.
Image-based dose planning of intracavitary brachytherapy: Registration of serial imaging studies using deformable anatomic templates.
Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., 51(1):227-243, 2001.

R.P. Woods, J.C. Mazziotta, and S.R. Cherry.
MRI-PET Registration with Automated Algorithm.
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 17(4):536-546, July/August 1993.

R.P. Woods, S.T Grafton, C.J. Holmes, S.R. Cherry, and J.C. Mazziotta.
Automated Image Registration: I. General Methods and Intrasubject, Intramodality Validation.
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 22(1):139-152, 1998.

S.C. Joshi, A. Banerjee, G.E. Christensen, J.G. Csernansky, J.W. Haller, M.I. Miller, and L. Wang.
Gaussian random fields on sub-manifolds for characterizing brain surfaces.
In J. Duncan and G. Gindi, editors, XVth International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, Poultney, VT, June 1997.

G.E. Christensen, H.J. Johnson, J.W. Haller, M.W. Vannier, and J.L. Marsh.
Synthesizing average 3D anatomical shapes using deformable templates.
In K.M. Hanson, editor, Medical Imaging 1999: Image Processing, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 3661, pages 574-582, Feb. 1999.

Jay West, J. Michael Fitzpatrick, et al.
Comparison and evaluation of retrospective intermodality brain image registration techniques.
J. Comp. Asst. Tomog., 21(4):554-566, 1997.

P.A. Freeborough, R.P. Woods, and N.C. Fox.
Accurate registration of serial 3d mr brain images and its application to visualizing change in neurodegenerative disorders.
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 20:1012-1022, 1996.

R.P. Woods, S.T Grafton, J.D. Watson, N.L. Sicotte, and J.C. Mazziotta.
Automated Image Registration: II. Intersubject Validation of Linear and Nonlinear Models.
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 22(1):153-165, 1998.

J.P. Thirion.
Image matching as a diffusion process: an analogy with maxwell's demons.
Medical Image Analysis, 2:243-260, 1998.

G.E. Christensen.
Consistent linear-elastic transformations for image matching.
In A. Kuba and M. Samal, editors, Information Processing in Medical Imaging, LCNS 1613, pages 224-237. Springer-Verlag, June 1999.

G.E. Christensen and H.J. Johnson.
Consistent image registration.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 20(7):568-582, July 2001.

M. Holden, D.L.G. Hill, E.R.E. Denton, J.M. Jarosz, T.C.S. Cox, T. Rohlfing, J. Goodey, and D.J. Hawkes.
Voxel similarity measures for 3-d serial mr brain image registration.
IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 19:94-102, 2000.

P.M. Thompson and A.W. Toga.
Detection, visualization and animation of abnormal anatomic structure with a deformable probabilistic brain atlas based on random vector field transformations.
Medical Image Analysis, 1(4):271-294, 1997.

G.E. Christensen, S.C. Joshi, and M.I. Miller.
Volumetric transformation of brain anatomy.
IEEE Trans. on Med. Imaging, 16(6):864-877, December 1997.

G.E. Christensen.
Bayesian framework for image registration using eigenfunctions.
In Toga [34], pages 85-100.

Hans J. Johnson.
Method for consistent linear-elastic medical image registration.
Master's thesis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, May 2000.

G.E. Christensen, R.D. Rabbitt, and M.I. Miller.
Deformable templates using large deformation kinematics.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 5(10):1435-1447, Oct 1996.

J. Ashburner and K.J. Friston.
Spatial normalization.
In Toga [34], pages 27-44.

Y. Amit, U. Grenander, and M. Piccioni.
Structural image restoration through deformable templates.
J. American Statistical Association, 86(414):376-387, June 1991.

D.L. Collins, P. Neelin, T.M. Peters, and A.C. Evans.
Automatic 3D intersubject registration on MR volumetric data in standardized talairach space.
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 18(2):192-205, March/April 1994.

D.L. Collins, A.P. Zijdenbos, W.F.C. Baare, and A.C. Evans.
Animal+insect: Improved cortical structure segmentation.
In A. Kuba and M. Samal, editors, Information Processing in Medical Imaging, LCNS 1613, pages 210-223. Springer-Verlag, June 1999.

R. Bajcsy and S. Kovacic.
Multiresolution Elastic Matching.
Technical Report MS-CIS-87-94, GRASP Lab 123, Department of Computer and Information Science, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6389, 1987.

J.C. Gee, L. LeBriquer, C. Braillot, D.R. Haynor, and R. Bajcsy.
Bayesian approach to the brain image matching problem.
In Murray H. Loew, editor, Image Processing, Proc. SPIE 2434, pages 145-156, 1995.

F. Maes, A. Collignon, D. Vandermeulen, G. Marchal, and P. Suetens.
Multimodality image registration by maximization of mutual information.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 16(2):187-198, April 1997.

W.M. Wells III, P. Viola, H. Atsumi, S. Nakajima, and R. Kikinis.
Multi-modal volume registration by maximization of mutual information.
Medical Image Analysis, 1(1):35-51, 1996.

Y. Amit.
A non-linear variational problem for image matching.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computation, 15(1), January 1994.

G.E. Christensen, A.A. Kane, J.L. Marsh, and M.W. Vannier.
Synthesis of an individualized cranial atlas with dysmorphic shape.
IEEE Proceedings of Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis, pages 309-318, June 1996.

A. Toga, editor.
Brain Warping.
Academic Press, San Diego, 1999.

Gary E. Christensen 2002-07-04

Copyright © 2002 • The University of Iowa. All rights reserved. Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Questions or Comments: gary-christensen@uiowa.edu