55:148 Digital Image Processing

Chapter 4, Part III
Image Pre-processing: Local pre-processing

Related Reading
Sections from Chapter 4 according to the WWW Syllabus.

Chapter 4.3 Overview:

Local pre-processing

Image smoothing


Practical Experiment 4.D - VIP Version

0.11 0.11 0.11

0.11 0.11 0.11

0.11 0.11 0.11


Practical Experiment 4.D - Khoros Version

0.11 0.11 0.11

0.11 0.11 0.11

0.11 0.11 0.11

Averaging with limited data validity

Note that in the equation above, the interval min-max represents invalid data so that only valid data is used in the averaging. Note that h(i,j) must be normalized by the number of data values used in the mask.

Averaging according to inverse gradient

Averaging using a rotating mask

Median smoothing

Practical Experiment 4.E - VIP Version

Practical Experiment 4.E - Khoros Version

Edge detectors

Laplace operator

Practical Experiment 4.F - VIP Version

Practical Experiment 4.F - Khoros Version

Practical Experiment 4.G - VIP Version

Practical Experiment 4.G - Khoros Version

Roberts operator

Prewitt operator

Sobel operator

and direction as arctan (y / x).

Robinson operator

Kirsch operator

Practical Experiment 4.H - VIP Version

Practical Experiment 4.H - Khoros Version

Marr-Hildreth Edge Detection:
Zero crossings of the second derivative

where c normalizes the sum of mask elements to zero.

Practical Experiment 4.I - VIP Version

Practical Experiment 4.I - Khoros Version

Scale in image processing

Canny edge detection

Algorithm: Canny edge detector

  1. Repeat steps (2) till (6) for ascending values of the standard deviation .
  2. Convolve an image g with a Gaussian of scale .
  3. Estimate local edge normal directions n using equation (4.61) for each pixel in the image.
  4. Find the location of the edges using equation (4.63) (non-maximal suppression).
  5. Compute the magnitude of the edge using equation (4.64).
  6. Threshold edges in the image with hysteresis to eliminate spurious responses.
  7. Aggregate the final information about edges at multiple scale using the `feature synthesis' approach.

Practical Experiment 4.J - Windows Command-Line Version

Practical Experiment 4.J - Khoros Version

Edges in multispectral images

Other local pre-processing operators

Line Thining

Edge Filling

Corner Dection with the Moravec Detector

Parametric corner operator using the Zuniga-Haralick (ZH) operator

Adaptive neighboring pre-processing

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Last Modified: August 31, 2000

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