The University of Iowa |
Dennis L. Bricker
Abstracts of
Refereed Publications
- Bricker, D.L., "Reformulation of Special Ordered
Sets for Implicit Enumeration Algorithms with Applications in
Nonconvex Separable Programming", AIIE Transactions,
Vol. 9 (1977), pp. 195-203.
Abstract: Special Ordered Sets (SOSs) of variables of types
1 and 2 are used in mathematical programming for formulating
both multiple choice problems and nonconvex separable problems,
respectively. This paper suggests problem formulations which
may be more efficiently solved by mixed-integer programming codes
when special codes for handling SOSs are unavailable. A shipment
planning problem is used to illustrate some of these formulation.
- Bricker, D.L., and Chang, T.S., "A Surrogate Dual
for the Simple Plant Location Problem", SCIMA,
Vol. 7 (1978), pp. 13-36. Click here
to download this working paper in .pdf format.
Abstract: While Lagrangian duality is quite well-known, surrogate
duality remains relatively obscure, because computation of its
solution is generally quite difficult. In this paper, we derive
a surrogate dual for the simple (uncapacitated) plant location
problem. Use of the lower bound provided by the surrogate dual
value to fathom a branch and bound algorithm does not, however,
require an explicit solution of the surrogate dual. Rather, it
is shown that its effectiveness in fathoming a subproblem may
be determined by a test of a rather simple inequality. Computational
experience is reported, showing that, for a majority of the subproblems
tested, the surrogate dual is stronger than the simple (weak)
linear programming bound which has often been used in branch
and bound algorithms for this problem, although not competitive
with the stronger linear programming bound now being used very
effectively in "state-of-the-art" algorithms.
- Bricker, D.L., "Bounding Linearly-Constrained Concave
Minimization Problems via the Surrogate Dual", Mathematical
Programming,, Vol. 18 (1980), pp. 68-83.
Abstract: We
consider a class of problems of resource allocation under economies
of scale, namely that of minimizing a lower semicontinuous, isotone,
and explicitly quasiconcave cost function subject to linear constraints.
An important class of algorithms for the linearly constrained
minimization of nonconvex cost functions utilize the branch and
bound approach, using convex underestimating cost functions to
compute the lower bounds. We suggest instead the use of the surrogate
dual problem to bound subproblems. We show that the success of
the surrogate dual in fathoming subproblems in a branch and bound
algorithm may be determined without directly solving the surrogate
dual itself, but that a simple test of the feasibility of a certain
linear system of inequalities will suffice. This test is interpreted
geometrically and used to characterize the extreme points and
extreme rays of the optimal value function's level sets.
- Bricker, D.L., and Rajgopal, J., "Yet Another Geometric
Programming Dual Algorithm", Operations Research
Letters, Vol. 2 (1983), pp. 177-180.
We describe an algorithm for the geometric
programming dual problem which uses an adaptation of the generalized
LP algorithm, proposed by Dantzig et al. twenty-five years ago
for the chemical equilibrium problem, and show that slack primal
constraints pose no numerical difficulties for this algorithm
as they do for previous dual-based algorithms.
- Raz, T. and D.L. Bricker, "Sequencing of Imperfect
Inspection Operations Subject to Constraints on the Quality of
Accepted and Rejected Units", International Journal
of Production Research, Vol. 25 (1987), pp. 809-821.
Several imperfect inspection operations
are available in a discrete production environment. A decision
regarding acceptance or rejection of the produced items needs
to be made without exceeding specified limits for the probabilities
of accepted units being non-conforming and rejected units conforming
to quality specifications. A branch and bound approach is used
to find the inspection sequence resulting in least expected total
inspection cost. Following the heuristic construction of a trial
solution, a dominance relationship is applied to search the tree
of possible sequences for the optimal sequence. A numerical example
is included.
- Nyman, J. and D. L. Bricker, "Profit Incentives and
Technical Efficiency in the Production of Nursing Home Care",
Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. (1989), pp. 586-594.
In recent years, nursing home care
expenditures have approached 1% of GNP. Their growth is a major
contributor to the escalating costs of health care. In this article,
we analyze a sample of nursing homes from Wisconsin to determine
the characteristics of the efficiently operated nursing homes.
Data environment analysis is used to calculate efficiency scores
for the various nursing homes in the sample. We then use regression
analysis to investigate the determinants of efficiency, holding
constant the characteristics of the output. We find that for-profit
firms have significantly higher efficiency scores.
- Nyman, J., D. L. Bricker and D. Link, "Technical
Efficiency in Nursing Homes", Medical Care, Vol.
28 (1990), pp. 541-551.
- Rajgopal, J. and D. L. Bricker, "Posynomial Geometric
Programming as a Special Case of Semi-Infinite Linear Programming",
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,, Vol.
66 (1990), pp. 455-475.
Abstract: This paper develops
a wholly linear formulation of the posynomial geometric programming
problem. It is shown that the primal geometric programming problem
is equivalent to a semi-infinite linear program, and the dual
problem is equivalent to a generalized linear program. Furthermore,
the duality results that are available for the traditionally
defined primal-dual pair are readily obtained from the duality
theory for semi-infinite linear programs. It is also shown that
two efficient algortihms (one primal based and the other dual
based) for geometric programming actually operate on the semi-infinite
linear program and its dual.
- Lin, E. Y. H. and D. L. Bricker, "Implementing the
Recursive APL Code for Dynamic Programming", APL90
Conference Proceedings, Copenhagen, 1990, pp. 239-250.
Despite the importance and wide applicability
of dynamic programming technique in optimization, the complexity
and uniqueness of various dynamic programming models often make
the comprehension of their solution procedures difficult, particularly
for a novice. Although it can be aruged that, unlike the Simplex
method in linear programming, no general dynamic programming
algortihm exists, with the recursive capability of APL, it is
feasible to develop a "systematic" solution approach
for deterministic dynamic programming. In this paper, we introduce
a set of such APL code developed to solve various types of dynamic
programming problems with minor modificaitons on some of its
key functions to accommodate the nature of each type of dynamic
programming problems.
- Lin, E. Y. H. and D. L. Bricker, "On the Calculation
of True and Pseudo Penalties in Multiple Choice Integer Programming".
European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 55 (1991)
pp. 228-236.
The general solution approach leading
to the global optimum for multiple choice integer programming
uses the branch-and-bound procedure designed for special ordered
sets. Incorporated in such a solution procedure, the partitioning
strategy based on a weighted mean method is most often adopted
to calculate the pseudo penalties on the partitioned subconstraints
for branching and backtracking. Based on a reformulation and
transformation technique, we show that the calculation of true
penalties on these partitioned subconstraints can be performed
- Raz, T. and D. L. Bricker, "Optimal and Heuristic
Solutions to the Variable Inspection Policy Problem",
Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 18 (1990), pp.
This paper presents optimal and heuristic
methods for finding the variable inspection policy that minimizes
expected total cost per unit. These methods utilize a recursive
function to compute the minimum remaining cost over all policies
that begin with the given inspection sequence. The results of
an exploratory experiment suggest that the best performance,
in terms of reduction in computational effort relative to deviation
from the optimum, is obtained with adaptive heuristics, where
the number of inspection operations considered for addition to
a given sequence varies with the position in the sequence. A
sensitivity analysis indicates that the optimal and heeuristic
procedures are not sensitive to variations in the incoming fraction
- Yu, K.-Y. and D. L. Bricker, "Analysis of a Markov
Chain Model of a Multistage Manufacturing System with Inspection,
Rejection, and Rework", Industrial Engineering Transactions,
Vol. 25, 109-112.
Absorption analysis is applied to
a Markov chain model of a multistage manufacturing process with
inspection and reworking.
- Bricker, D.L., J.C. Choi, and J. Rajgopal, "On Geometric
Programming Problems Having Negative Degrees of Difficulty",
European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 68 (1993),
pp. 427-430.
The dual of a geometric programming
problem with negative degree of difficulty is often infeasible.
It has been suggested that such problems be solved by finding
a dual "approximate" solution which minimizes a measure
of the infeasibility, e.g., the summed squares of the infeasibilities
in the dual constraints. We point out the shortcomings in that
approach, and suggest a simple technique to ensure dual feasibility,
namely the addition of a constant term to the primal objective.
- Rajgopal, J., and D.L. Bricker, "On Subsidiary Problems
in Geometric Programming", European Journal of Operational
Research, 63 (1992), pp. 102-113.
When a dual-based procedure is used
to solve a geometric programming problem, the presence of inactive
constraints at the primal optimum reduces the amount of information
available about the relationship between the optimal primal and
dual vectors. In certain situations one must resort to solving
one or more subsidiary problems to recover solution from the
dual optimum. This paper reviews such situations and presents
an alternative formulation of the dual as a generalized linear
program, along with a column generation algorithm based on the
same. The algorithm avoids subsidiary problems, and the formulation
provides more information than the traditional dual when recovering
the primal optimum.
- Raz, T. and D.L. Bricker, "Sequencing of Inspection
Operations Subject to Errors", European Journal of
Operational Research, Vol. 68 (1993), pp. 251-264.
The problem of sequencing inspection
operations subject to errors in order to minimize the expected
sum of inspection and penalty costs is formulated. Three basically
different types of sequences (complete, fixed and variable) are
defined. The paper presents methods for computing the optimal
solution for each type, and a family of heuristics for the variable
sequence problem. These methods are based on a branch and bound
approach and involve recursive calls to a sequence evaluation
- Bricker, D. L., and Lin, E. Y.-H. , "Teaching Dynamic
Programming Using APL", International Journal of
Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Vol. 23
(1993), pp. 433-444.
Unlike most other algorithms in optimization,
such as the Simplex method in linear programming, dynamic programming
is generally considered to be an approach to viewing an optimization
problem rather than an algorithm which provides a step-by-step
solution procedure converging to the optimum. This specificity
of the dynamic programming technique often confuses its users
both in classroom and in practice. In this paper we illustrate
how this difficulty can be overcome with the aid of APL (A Programming
- Bricker, Dennis L. and JaeChul Choi, "Obtaining a
Feasible Geometric Programming Primal Solution, Given a Near-Optimal
Dual Solution", Engineering Optimization, Vol.23
(1995), pp. 323-331.
A dual algorithm applied to a posynomial
geometric programming probelm generally terminates with a dual
feasible solution which is only approximately optimal. The usual
methods for recovering the primal solution then yields solutions
with corresponding slight infeasibilities in the primal constraints.
This paper demonstrates a linear programming problem for computation
fo a primal solution which is strictly feasible.
- Choi, Jae-Chul and Dennis L. Bricker, "Geometric
Programming with Several Discrete Variables: Algorithms Employing
Generalized Benders' Decomposition", Engineering
Optimization, Vol. 25 (1995), pp. 201-212.
Geometric programming problems in
which several of the variables are restricted to assume either
integer values or one of a set of standard sizes are known as
Semi-Discrete Geometric Programming problems. In this paper several
variations of Generalized Benders' Decomposition are described
for these problems and some computational experience is presented.
- Hsieh,
Yi-Chih, and Dennis L. Bricker, "New Infeasible Interior
Point Algorithm Based on Monomial Method", Computers
& Operations Research, Vol. 23 (1996), pp. 653-666.
We propose a new infeasible path-following
algorithm for convex linearly-constrained quadratic programming
problem. This algorithm utilizes the monomial method rather than
Newton's method for solving the KKT equations at each iteraiton.
As a result, the sequence of iterates generated by this new algorithm
is infeasible in the primal and dual linear constraints, but,
unlike the sequence of iterates generated by other path-following
algorithms, does satisfy the complementarity equations. Performance
of this new algortihm is demonstrated by the results of solving
QP problems (both separable and nonseparable) which are constructed
so as to have known optimal solutions. Additionally, results
of solving continuous quadratic knapsack problems indicate that
for problems of a given size, the computational time of this
new algorithm is less variable than other algorithms.
- Lin, E. Y.-H. and Bricker, D.L., "Computational Comparison
on the Partitioning Strategies in Multiple Choice Integer Programming",
European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 88 (1996),
pp. 182-292.
In this paper we review the theoretical
background of two partitioning strategies, the Weighted-Mean-Method
(WMM) and the Reformulation-and-Transformation-Technique (RTT),
incorporated in the special ordered set branch-and-bound procedures
leading to the global optimum in Multiple Choice Integer Programming
(MCIP). Prodedure flow is developed with a numerical example
presented to illustrate the effect of these two partitioning
strategies in the algorithm. This procedure flow is then coded
using IBM APL2. A total of 24 test problems are solved by this
APL2 code for MCIP to analyze the performance of WMM and RTT
in MCIP. The preliminary computational results indicate that,
on the average, RTT produces smaller branching trees than does
WMM. Its performance tends to be better for those MCIP problems
having more multiple choice sets and a fewer average number of
variables in each set. However, the average CPU time consumed
by using RTT does not differ much from that consumed by using
- Choi, J. C. and D. L. Bricker , "Effectiveness of
Geometric Programming Algorithms for Optimization of Machining
Economics Models", Computers & Operations Research,
Vol. 23 (1996), No. 10, pp. 957-961.
Machining economics problems usually
contain highly non-linear equations which may present difficulties
for some non-linear programming algorithms. An earlier article
by Duffuaa et al. [1] compared the performance of several non-linear
programming algorithms, including a geometric programming algorithm,
applied to five machining economics problems. Those authors concluded
that the Generalized Reduced Gradient (GRG) algorithm is the
most suitable mthod for solving such problems. In this paper,
we point out shortcomings in that conclusion and demonstrate
the effectiveness of the Geometric Programming technique in such
problems compared with the results of GRG which were presented.
- Choi, JaeChul, and Dennis L. Bricker, "A Heuristic
Procedure for Rounding Posynomial Geometric Programming Solutions
to Discrete Values", Computers & Industrial Engineering
Vol. 30 (1996), No. 4, pp. 623-629.
Abstract: While
geometric programming is a useful computational approach for
engineering design problems, it is often the case that some design
variables specifying sizes must be rounded to readily available
standard sizes, or variables specifying the number of component
parts must be rounded to integers. To assist in deciding whether
to round these variables up or down to the discrete admissible
values, we present a technique to estimate the respective penalties
which would be incurred.
- Sohn, Han-Suk,
Dennis Bricker, J.
Richard Simon, and Yi-Chih
Hsieh, "Optimum Sequences of Trials for Balancing
Practice and Repetition Effects". (to appear in Behavior
Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers) Click here
for additional information and listings of such sequences.
This paper describes procedures for
generating trial sequences to balance out practice effects and
intertrial repetition effects in experiments consisting of repeated
trials. In the sequences presented, each stimulus appears an
equal number of times, is preceded equally often by itself and
by each other stimulus and is distributed in a "balanced"
manner throughout the block of trials. Two criteria for balance
are employed. One criterion aims to equalize the average position
of each stimulus in the sequence. The second criterion maintains,
as much as possible, a uniform interval between appearances of
each stimulus in the sequence. For each criterion, optimal or
near-optimal sequences are presented for experiments involving
from three to nine different stimulus conditions. Suggestions
are included for extending (e.g., doubling or tripling) the length
of the sequences.
- Hsieh,
Yi-Chih, and Dennis L. Bricker, "Scheduling Linearly
Deteriorating Jobs on Multiple Machines", to appear
in Computers & Industrial Engineering
This paper investigates the scheduling
problems in which the job processing times do not remain constant
but are increasing linear functions of their starting times.
Two deteriorating scheduling models, Model 1 and Model 2, for
multiple machines are considered. In this paper, we propose an
efficient heuristic for Model 1 and prove that the ratio of the
makespan obtained by the heuristic to the optimal makespan is
bounded. For model 2, two heuristics are proposed to obtain the
feasible solution; in addition, a probabilisitic search approach
is used to improbe the feasible solution. Numerical results are
provided to show the efficiency of the approaches in this paper.
- Bricker, Dennis, K.O.
Kortanek, and Lina
Xu, "Maximum Likelihood Estimates with Order Restrictions
on Probabilities and Odds Ratios", Journal of Applied
Mathematics and Decision Sciences, volume 1, no. 1 (July
1997), pp. 53-65.
The problem of assigning cell probabilities
to maximize a multinomial likelihood with order restrictions
on the probabilies and/or restrictions on the local odds ratios
is modeled as a posynomial geometric program (GP), a class of
nonlinear optimization problems with a well-developed duality
theory and collection of algorithms. (Local odds ratios provide
a measure of association between categorical random variables.)
A constrained multinomial MLE example from the literature is
solved, and the quality of the solution is compared with that
obtained by the iterative method of El Barmi and Dykstra, which
is based upon Fenchel duality. Exploiting the proximity of the
GP model of MLE problems to linear programming (LP) problems,
we also describe as an alternative, in the absence of special-purpose
GP software, an easily implemented successive LP approximation
method for solving this class of MLE problems using one of the
readily available LP solvers.
- Yang, H.-H.
and D. L. Bricker, Investigation of path-following algorithms
for signomial geometric programming problems. European
Journal of Operational Research Vol. 103(1997): 230-241.
Abstract: This
paper considers signomial geometric programming (GP) dual problems,
a class of nonconvex nonlinear programming problems possessing
multiple locally optimal solutions. The primary purpose of this
paper is to investigate the quality of solutions found by use
of a path-following algorithm. The path-following method may
be applied to either the original nonconvex problem, or to each
of a sequence of convex posynomial GP problems approximating
the original problem. For each test problem, the algorithms were
initiated with thousands of different starting points. It was
determined that, when the stopping criterion was relaxed for
early posynomial GP problems in the sequence, the ultimate solution
tended to be of better quality, and more frequently globally
- Hsieh,
Yi-Chih, Ta-Cheng Chen, and Dennis L. Bricker, "Genetic
Algorithms for Determining Redundancy in Reliability Problems",
Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol. 38 (1998), pp.
This paper presents genetic algorithms
for solving various redundancy reliability problems, which include
series systems, series-parallel systems and complex (bridge)
systems. The objective is to maximize the system reliability
by means of redundancy in the elements of the system, while maintaining
feasibility with respect to three nonlinear constraints, namely,
cost and weight constraints, and constraints on the products
of volume and weight. Numerical examples show that the genetic
algorithms perform well for all the redundancy reliability problems
considered in this paper. In particular, as reported, some solutions
obtained by genetic algorithms are better than previously best-known
- Xu, Lina, Dennis Bricker,
and K.O.
Kortanek, "Bounds for Stop-Loss Premium Under Restrictions
on I-Divergence" , Vol. 23 (1998), pp.
Stop--Loss reinsurance contracts have
attracted much attention recently. In its simplest form, the
reinsurer agrees to pay all losses of the insurer in excess of
an agreed --upon limit. This paper concerns the calculation of
upper and lower bounds on the stop--loss premium i.e. the expected
payment by the reinsurer, when the claim distribution is unknown
but assumed to be in the proximity (as measured by I--divergence)
of the empirical distribution of past claims. The problems of
computing the upper and lower bounds on the premium are modeled
as nonlinear constrained optimization problems, namely, generalized
geometric programs. Simple solution procedures, based upon generalized
geometric programming duality, are described and demonstrated
for an example.
- Sankaran, Jayaram,
Dennis Bricker, and Shuw-Hwey
Juang, "A Strong Fractional Cutting-Plane Algorithm
for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling", International
Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 6 (1999), pp. 99-111.
We develop and test a strong fractional
cutting-plane algorithm for the classical non-preemptive precedence-
and resource-constrained project scheduling problem. While our
basic approach is to formulate the problem as a 0-1 IP and solve
it by LP-based braqnch-and-bound, we enhance the algorithm considerably
through (a) an improved IP reformulation, (b) problem preprocessing
techniques, and (c) on-the-fly tightening of the LP relaxation
by generating strong and valid inequalities that are violated
by the current (fractional) LP optimum. Preliminary computational
results on a collection of test problems are encouraging.
- Kawatra,
R., A. Dutta, and D. L. Bricker. A Lagrangian based
heuristic for the design of multipoint linkages in a communication
network with unreliable links and node outage costs.
OPSEARCH Vol. 36(1999), pp. 218-230.
This paper studies the capacitated
minimal spanning tree with unreliable links and node outage costs
problem. Tree topologies appear in the design of centralized
communication networks. In these topologies the number of nodes
in a subtree rooted at the central node is limited to a predefined
number due to polling, loading, and response time restrictions.
The links in a communication network are prone to failure. Whenever
a link in these networks fails, all the terminal nodes connected
to the central node through that link are unable to communicate
until the faulty link is repaired. In some networks such failures
can have adverse economic effect on the network user. The economic
effect on the network user due to inability of a terminal to
communicate with the central node due to link failure is called
node outage cost. The sum of expected yearly node outage costs
for a network depends on the topology of the network. In this
paper we suggest a Lagrangean based heuristic to solve the integer
programming formulation of the network topology problem. The
objective of the problem is to minimize the sum of link costs
and node outage costs. Our computational results on a set of
test data with up to 80 nodes show that compared to the previously
developed greedy heuristic, our method gives solutions that are
better by up to 6 percent. The gaps between our heuristic solutions
and the lower bounds found as a byproduct of the solution procedure
are in the 2-17 percent range.
- Hsieh,
Y.-C. and D. L. Bricker, "Solving obstacle problems
by a new pathfollowing algorithm", Journal of Chinese
Institute of Industrial Engineering Vol. 16(1999), pp. 771-780.
Obstacle problems are typical problems in engineering and physics.
After finite approximation, the obstacle problem can be reduced
to a QP problem with box constraints. In this paper, a new infeasible
path-following algorithm, which follows a path on the complementarity
surface, is proposed for solving obstacle problems. The sequence
of iterates generated by the algorithm does not satisfy the primal-dual
feasibilities as do the other path-following algorithms which
follow the central path, but satisfies the complementarity equations
at each iteration. In our test obstacle problems, the total number
of variables for the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker equations is up to 2,5000.
Limited numerical results show that this new path-following algorithm
can efficiently solve such quadratic problems requiring only
a few iterations.
- Kawatra,
R. and D. L. Bricker, "A Multiperiod Planning Model
for the Capacitated Minimal Spanning Tree Problem",
European Journal of Operational Research Vol. 121(2000):
pp. 412-419.
The Multiperiod Capacitated Minimal Spanning Tree Problem (MCMSTP)
consists of scheduling the installation of links in a network
so as to connect a set of terminal nodes S = [2,3...N] to a central
node (node 1) with minimal present value of expenditures, where
link capacities limit the number of terminal nodes. Some of the
terminal nodes are active at the beginning of the planning horizon
while others are activated over time. We formulate this problem
as an integer programming problem. A branch exchange heuristic
procedure for solving the problem is presented. We also present
a Lagrangian relaxation method to find a lower bound for the
optimal objective function value. This lower bound may be used
to estimate the quality of the solution given by the branch exchange
heuristic. Experimental results over a wide range of problem
structures show that the branch exchange heuristic method yields
verifiably good solutions to this problem.
- Jayant Rajgopal
and Dennis Bricker, "An Algorithm for Posynomial Geometric
Programming, Based upon Generalized Linear Programming",
Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol.
21 (2002), pp. 95-109.
Abstract: This
paper revisits an efficient procedure for solving posynomial
geometric programming (GP) problems, which was initially developed
by Avriel et al. The procedure, which used the concept of condensation,
was embedded within an algorithm for the more general (signomial)
GP problem. It is shown here that a computationally equivalent
dual-based algorithm may be independently derived based on some
more recent work where the GP primal-dual pair was reformulated
as a set of inexact linear programs. The constraint structure
of the reformulation provides insight into why the algorithm
is successful in avoiding all of the computational problems traditionally
associated with dual-based algorithms. Test results indicate
that the algorithm can be used to successfully solve large-scale
geometric programming problems on a desktop computer.
- Lin, E. Y.-H. and D. L. Bricker, Connecting special
ordered inequalities and transformation and reformulation technique
in multiple choice programming, Computers &
Operations Research Vol. 29(2002), pp.1441-1446.
Abstract: An
article entitled: "A Note on Modeling Multiple Choice Requirements
for Simple Mixed Integer Programming Solvers" was published
by Ogryczak (Comput. Oper. Res. 23 (1996) 199). In this article,
Ogryczak proposed a reformulation technique called special ordered
inequalities (SOI) to model the non-convex programming problems
with special ordered sets (SOS) of variables. The SOI technique
appears to be analogous to the reformulation technique introduced
by Bricker (AIIE Trans. 9 (1977) 105) and is related to the reformulation
and transformation technique (RTT) developed by Lin and Bricker
(Eur. J. Oper. Res. 55(2) (1991) 228); Lin and Bricker (Eur.
J. Oper. Res. 88 (1996) 182). Since none of this literature was
cited in the references of Ogryczak (Comput. Oper. Res. 23 (1996)
199), we would like to use this note to differentiate SOI and
RTT and to elaborate their connection.
In the context of non-convex programming, two major types of
special ordered sets (SOS) of variables have been identified
and studied by researchers. SOS1 are sets of non-negative variables
where, for each set, at most one of the variables can be non-zero
in the final solution. The most common application of SOS1 is
multiple choice programming (MCP) which can be found in the modeling
of many integer programming problems in location, distribution,
scheduling, etc. SOS2 requires that, for each set, at most two
of the variables can be non-zero in the final solution and, if
they are, they must be adjacent. SOS2 has been widely used in
separable programming to model non-linear functions using sets
of piece-wise linear functions. Bricker introduced an explicit
reformulation technique for SOS in 1977. Lin and Bricker developed
a reformulation and transformation technique (RTT) to implicitly
compose the optimal Simplex tableau for MCP in 1991. They also
elaborated upon it with a computational report in 1996. Without
citing the work by Bricker, or that by Lin and Bricker, Ogryczak
proposed an analogous reformulation technique called special
ordered inequalities (SOI) for SOS in 1996. This note aims to
elaborate upon the connection between SOI and RTT as the supplementary
information for the future research in SOS.
- Hsieh,
Yi-Chih, Sohn,
Han-Suk, and Dennis Bricker, "Generating (n,2) De
Bruijn Sequences with Some Balance and Uniformity Properties",
Ars Combinatoria (to appear).
This paper presents two new algorithms for generating (n,2) de
Bruijn sequences which possess certain properties. The sequences
generated by the proposed algorithms may be useful for experimenters
to systematically investigate intertrial repetition effects.
Characteristics are compared with those of randomly sampled
(n,2) de Bruijn sequences.
- Kawatra,
R. and D. L. Bricker,"Design of a degree-constrained minimal spanning tree with
unreliable links and node outage costs",European Journal of Operational Research,
Vol. 156, No. 1, pp. 73-82
The degree-constrained minimal spanning tree (DCMST) problem with unreliable links and node outage costs consists of finding links in a network to connect a set of terminal nodes to a central node while minimizing the expected annual expenditure. The number of ports available on each terminal node limits the number of incident links (the degree constraint). Each terminal node in the network has an associated node outage cost, which is the economic cost incurred by the network user whenever that node is disabled due to failure of a link. We formulate this problem as an integer-programming problem and present a Lagrangian relaxation method which, for each choice of Lagrangian multipliers, provides a lower bound for the optimal objective function value. A subgradient optimization method is used to search for multipliers which yield good lower bounds. A branch exchange heuristic procedure makes modifications to each infeasible solution of the Lagrangian relaxation in order to find good feasible solutions. The quality of these heuristic solutions is estimated using the best obtained lower bounds. Experimental results over a wide range of problem structures show that the branch exchange heuristic method yields verifiably good solutions to this problem.
- Sohn, Han-Suk, and Dennis Bricker,
"Cross-Decomposition of the Degree-Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem",
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol. 5 (2007), No. 1, 4 pp.
As computer communication networks become a prevalent part in our daily life, the importance of efficient design of those networks becomes more evident. One of the critical issues in the network design process is the topological design problem involved in establishing a centralized data communication network with best performance and low costs. It can be recognized as a degree-constrained minimum spanning tree and it has been shown to be NP-hard. The degree-constrained minimum spanning tree problem commonly appears as a subproblem in the design of centralized data communication networks, and so the development of effective algorithms has received much attention in the research literature. To achieve effectiveness in solving degree-constrained minimum spanning tree, a solution algorithm based on cross-decomposition is proposed in this paper. The computational results are analyzed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. It shows a great promise in the design of centralized data communication networks.
Working Papers
- Hsieh,
Yi-Chih, and D.L. Bricker "Solving obstacle problems
using a new interior point algorithm". Click here
to download this working paper in .pdf format.
A new infeasible path-following algorithm,
which follows a path on the complementarity surface, is proposed
for solving obstacle problems. The sequence of iterates generated
by the algorithm does not satisfy primal-dual feasibility as
do the other path-following algorithms which follow the central
path, but satisfy the complementarity equations at each iteration.
Numerical results show that only a few iterations are required
for solving this class of problems.
- Jayant Rajgopal
and Dennis Bricker, "An Algorithm for Posynomial Geometric
Programming, Based upon Generalized Linear Programming",
to appear in Mathematical Methods of Operations Research.
Click here to download this
working paper in .pdf format.
This paper describes a column generation
algorithm for posynomial geometric programming which is based
on Dantzig's generalized linear programming principle. The algorithm
works on the dual problem and successfully avoids all the traditional
computational problems associated with dual-based algorithms.
Test results indicate that the algorithm is extremely robust
and can be used to successfully solve large-scale geometric programming
problems on a microcomputer.
- Hsieh,
Y.-C. and D. L. Bricker, "Solving obstacle problems
by a new pathfollowing algorithm", Journal of Chinese
Institute of Industrial Engineering Vol. 16(1999), pp. 771-780
- Hsieh,
Yi-Chih and Dennis L. Bricker, "Infeasible Interior
Point Algorithm Following a Path on the Complementarity Surface".
Click here to download
this working paper in .pdf format.
We investigate an infeasible path-following
algorithm, which follows a path on the complementarity surface,
for convex linearly-constrained QP problems. That is, the sequence
of iterates generated by the algorithm satisfies the complementarity
equations at each iteration. An auxiliary sequence which always
satisfies both primal and dual feasibility is used to prove the
convergence of this algorithm.
- Hsieh,
Yi-Chih, and D.L. Bricker "Solving obstacle problems
using a new interior point algorithm" Click here
to download this working paper in .pdf format.
A new infeasible path-following algorithm,
which follows a path on the complementarity surface, is proposed
for solving obstacle problems. The sequence of iterates generated
by the algorithm does not satisfy primal-dual feasibility as
do the other path-following algorithms which follow the central
path, but satisfy the complementarity equations at each iteration.
Numerical results show that only a few iterations are required
for solving this class of problems.
- Xu, Lina and Dennis Bricker,
"Bounds for Stop-Loss Premium Under Restrictions on the
Chi-Square Statistic" Click here
to download this working paper in .pdf format.
One type of reinsurance contract which
has attracted recent attention is stop-loss reinsurance. In its
simplest form, the reinsurer agrees to pay all losses of the
insurer in excess of an agree-upon limit. This paper concerns
the computation of bounds, both lower and upper, on the stop-loss
premium when the loss distribution in unknown, but information
about past claim experience is available in the form of frequencies
of claims in each of a set of intervals. Placing limits on the
chi-square statistic or modified chi-square statistic as measures
of the proximity of the loss distribution to the empirical distribution,
we use a dual approach to calculate the bounds on the premium.
If the chi-square statistic is restricted, this approach requires
optimizing with respect to a single dual variable. If,
on the other hand, the modified chi-square statistic is restricted,
the bounds are given in closed form.
- Chen, Ta-Cheng,
Dennis Bricker, and Soo
Y. Chang, "An Application of Lagrangian Decomposition
to the Scheduling of Hot Charged Rolling in Steel Production"
A scheduling problem for Hot Charged
Rolling (HCR) in the continuous casting process, requiring both
grouping and sequencing within each group, is modeled as a degree-constrained
minimum spanning tree problem. This paper compares several algorithms
employing Lagrangean decomposition and several heuristic methods.
- Yi-Chih
Hsieh and Dennis Bricker, "New Paths for Path-Following
The central path is typically followed
with the use of Newton's method in solving the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker
(KKT) equations for convex quadratic programming problems. Based
upon a logarithmic transformation to linearize the KKT equations
before applying Newton's method, a class of alternative paths
are derived. As shown, these paths are similar to that obtained
by using the monomial method.
- Vargas, SClaudina and Dennis Bricker, "Combining
DEA and factor analysis to improve evaluation of academic departments
given uncertainty about the output constructs" Click
here to download this working
paper in .pdf format.
This paper combines the CCR output-oriented model of data envelopment
analysis (DEA) and Factor Analysis (FA) to evaluate the performance
of academic units of a university's graduate programs relative
to their counterparts nationally. We propose DEA/FA as a means
of increasing the utility of DEA for policy decisions when there
is uncertainty about the output constructs relevant to the programs.
We discuss the concept that an academic program often maximizes
the levels of some constructed outputs (CO), which may not themselves
be directly observable. By means of FA, these COs can be deduced
from the observable outputs, and can be expressed as a linear
combination of observed and random components. Using the COs
lessen the caveat of extreme specialization without the requirement
for value judgements.
- Hsieh,
Yi-Chih and Dennis L. Bricker, "Computational Experience
with a New Infeasible Interior Point Algorithm"
We propose a new infeasible path-following
algorithm, which follows a path on the complementarity surface,
for convex linearly-constrained QP problems. The sequence of
iterates generated by the algorithm does not satisfy the primal-dual
feasibility as do the other path-following algorithms which follow
the central path, but satisfies the complementarity equation
at each iteration. Numerical results are reported for a discretization
of obstacle problems (a class of engineering problems). In addition,
tests on a set of continuous quadratic knapsack problems indicate
that the variability in computation time for this new algorithm
is less than that for the potential reduction algorithm or the
iterative algorithm.
- Techapichetvanich, K. and D. L. Bricker (1993). "Investigation
of Lagrangian Heuristics for Set Covering Problems"
Click here to download
this working paper in .pdf format.
This paper presents new Lagrangian
Heuristics for the set covering problem (SCP). These heuristics
are designed to be embedded within an algorithm (e.g., subgradient
optimization) to search for optimal Lagrangian multipliers. A
Lagrangian heuristic may adjust a (perhaps infeasible) solution
of a Lagrangian relaxation and/or make use of information available
in the form of the Lagrangian multipliers. Such an algorithm
was presented by J.E. Beasley who reported that, in computational
experiments, it outperformed a number of other existing heuristic
algorithms. However, his heuristic algorithm which uses only
the Lagrangian relaxation solution and ignores the multipliers,
worked well only for random-cost problems which may bear little
resemblance to typical real world applications. We present four
extensions of his algorithm designed to perform well for classes
of problems which appear to be much harder to solve than Beasley's
random-cost problems but which more adequately model real world
problems, i.e., unicost and correlated-cost problems. (The latter
class displays a positive correlation between the cost of a column
and its density, i.e., the number of rows covered.) Computational
results, based on problems involving 200 rows and 1000 columns,
indicate that our Lagrangian heuristics do produce good-quality
solutions and outperform Beasley's heuristic significantly for
unicost and correlated-cost problems.
- Sohn, Hansuk and D. L. Bricker, "Utilizing the Surrogate Dual Bound
in Capacity Planning Under Economies of Scale" Click
here to download this working
paper in .pdf format.
Minimizing a nondecreasing separable
concave cost function over a polyhedral set arises in capacity
planning problems where economies of scale and fixed costs are
significant, as well as production planning when a learning effect
results in decreasing marginal costs. This is an NP-hard combinatorial
problem in which the extreme points of the polyhedral set must
be enumerated, each of them a local optimum. Branch-and-bound
methods have been frequently used to solve these problems. Although
it has been shown that in general the bound provided by the surrogate
dual is tighter than that of the Lagrangian dual, the latter
has generally been preferred because of the apparent computational
intractability of the surrogate dual problem. In this paper we
describe a branch-and-bound algorithm that exploits the superior
surrogate dual bound in a branch-and-bound algorithm without
explicitly solving the dual problem. This is accomplished by
determining the feasibility of a set of linear inequalities.
- Sohn, Hansuk and D. L. Bricker, "A Cross-Decomposition
Scheme for Two-Stage Stochastic Linear Programming"
Click here to download this
working paper in .pdf format.
We present a new algorithm for the
two-stage stochastic linear programming problem with complete
recourse. This cross-decomposition algorithm employs the Benders
(primal) subproblems as in the so-called L-shaped method but
eliminates the Benders master problem for generating the next
trial first-stage solution, relying instead upon Lagrangian (dual)
subproblems. (The Lagrangian multipliers used in defining the
dual subproblems are in turn obtained from the primal subproblems.)
The primal subproblem separates into subproblems, one for each
scenario, each containing only the second-stage variables. The
dual subproblem also separates into subproblems, one for each
scenario which contains both first- and second-stage variables,
and additionally a subproblem containing only the first-stage
variables. We then show that the substantial computational savings
may be obtained by solving at most iterations only the dual subproblem
with the first-stage variables and bypassing the termination
- Bricker, D. L., "Quasi-conjugacy, Quasi-subgradients,
and Surrogate Duality in Nonconvex Programming" Click
to download this working paper in .pdf format.
Conjugate functions have played an
important role in the theory of convex programming. An analogous
role in quasi-convex programming is played by quasi-conjugate
functions. Conjugates relate to epigraph supports, whereas quasi-conjugates
relate to level set supports and barriers; conjugate functions
provide a baisis for Lagrangian duality, whereas quasi-conjugate
functions provide a basis for surrogate duality. In this paper,
we shall briefly survey the existing theory of quasi-conjugacy
and surrogate duality as developed by Greenberg & Pierskalla
as it relates to nonconvex programming, interpreting it geometrically,
and shall then add several extensions to this theory.
to Dennis Bricker's publication page.
Last modified: 18 April 2008