Joining a committee is a great way to become more involved in Tau Beta Pi. Below is a list of each committee along with a short description. If you are interested in joining any of these committees please contact the committee chair for more information
Symposium Committee member responsibilities:
The symposium committee is in charge of setting up our largest annual event. They are required to schedule a speaker, reserve a room, provide programs and drink / food if necessary. This year the focus is going to be on the health effects of global warming.
Volunteering Committee
Volunteer Chair: Hanbin Tao
Tau Beta Pi is looking to take on a variety of new activities this semester, and community service is a great way to encourage participation within the organization and to get involved in community outreach. Because this has not been a traditional activity that Tau Beta Pi participates in, we are able to shape our volunteering goals for this year and coming years.
The first option is to participate in smaller, short-term volunteering events. An example of a few of the activities would be cooking dinner for the Ronald McDonald House, collecting cans for the Crisis Center, volunteering at charity runs, volunteering at Dance Marathon, etc.
Another possible idea is to set up a larger scale volunteering project that can be done on an annual or bi-annual basis. Rebecca Whitaker from the Dean's office has suggested we get involved in a program called Dreamcatchers children who are first-generation Americans are given the option of receiving a mentor throughout the school year, and we would serve as a mentor to the child in the program. Tutoring programs, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and other established community service programs are groups we can coordinate with to assemble an volunteering program for Tau Beta Pi.
Another option is to look more into a community outreach program. Some Tau Beta Pi organizations around the nation are involved in setting up an "Engineering Day" for children we could ask for information from those programs to establish our own program for the Iowa City/Coralville area. Different demonstrations, projects, and activities that would enable children to explore the engineering field would be set up, and it would be an event that would require a lot of planning, but also be a lot of fun.
Engineering Futures
Engineering Futures Chair:
The goal of the engineering futures committee is to set up engineering futures event. These events are established to provide certain essential engineering skills that are not explicitly covered in courses. Sessions are offered in: People Skills, Team Chartering, Analytical Problem Solving and Group Process. This semester we're doing problem solving, though next semester we can choose from any of the remaining three. Setting futures up is a matter of contacting nationals, reserving a room and providing food and drink. Most importantly, the futures committee is there to advertise, get the word out and make sure we have a good showing for the event. Generally contacting MIE floors, SWE, WISE, Theta Tau, etc. in addition to flyers and word of mouth.
Financial Committee
Financial Chair:
The goal of the financial committee is fundraising. Ideas for clever and enjoyable fundraising are crucial. One event will be a Carver cleanup after a basketball game, with a good number of people this will not take long and it generates quite a bit of money for Tau Beta Pi. As of right now Tau Beta Pi has a reasonable amount of money, but if all projects go as planned the money could disappear quickly. It is the committee's job to generate ideas for making money and taking care of the organization's funds.