Tonya L. Peeples   



I joined the University of Iowa Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Department in 1995. I have a Ph. D. in Engineering from Johns Hopkins University and a B. S. in Chemical Engineering from North Carolina State University.  I have pursued research activities the involve the applications of microbial systems and their components and have had support from the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Agency, as well as private companies.

Early in my career at UI, I received a General Electric Faculty for the Future Award and an NSF CAREER award. I have actively combined my research interests with teaching efforts. In 2001, I receive a Collegiate Teaching Award for the University of Iowa. In 2004, I received the Lloyd N. Ferguson Young Scientist Award for the National Association for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers.

In addition to research, I am actively engage in educational programs to recruit and retain underrepresented minority students into science, technology, engineering and mathematics. In 2006, I received an Outstanding Service Award from the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Minority Affairs Committee. In 2007, I received the Collegiate Service Award from the UI College of Engineering. In 2008 I was a leadership fellow of The Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC).

I am the mother of two and spend my free time involved in church and family activities.

About Me

In Brief