55:132/22C:160, Spring 2009

High-Performance Computer Architecture

Homework 4 (First Verilog Project)


You are to modify a Verilog model of a direct mapped cache to increase the line size from one-word to two-words, as discussed below, and then investigate the effect that different line sizes and overall cache size have on cache performance.

Students may work individually or in groups to complete the assignment:

·         Students working individually need only implement the change in line size from one word to two words.

·         Students working in groups of two should implement the line size change and also modify the cache to be two-way set associative.

·         Students desiring to work in groups of size larger than two should contact the instructor to negotiate an expanded scope for the project.


Verilog source code for a simple, direct mapped cache can be found here . Note: This code has been tested in the ModelSim environment and is known to run.

The following figure shows the two level memory hierarchy:

The cache size is 1024 lines and the line size is one word (32 bits). The cache write policy is write-through. The cache size is parameterized so that you can easily change it.  However, you must keep the width of both the memory bus and driver bus at 32 bits.

The following as a block diagram of the cache:

In the directory with the Verilog source code you will find two sample memory access trace files. The smaller file, tex.trc contains 100 memory references and is suitable for debugging purposes. The larger file, large.tex.trace contains 200,000 accesses, enough to generate meaningful data on cache hit rates, etc. Once you have your cache model working properly, you will need to run it using this large trace file. Note that the trace file to be used is specified in the header file trace.h.

Running Cache Simulations

Experimental Study

Once you have your modified cache working properly, you should conduct multiple simulation runs to investigate the performance of various cache configurations. Specifically, evaluate the hit rate (read hit rate write hit rate, total hit rate) and total memory access time for each of the following configurations:

Prepare a short report comparing the cache performance and total memory access time for each configuration. Note that as described above, you can edit the cache.h file to modify the size of the cache.


Before beginning your Verilog coding, you must complete a suitably detailed schematic design diagram (a modified version of the diagram shown above) indicating the modifications that you wil make to the structure of the cache to permit increase of the line size (and to provide 2-way set-associativity for those working as a team).  This diagram must have sufficient detail to allow  evaluation of the efficacy of your design approach. This diagram must be handed in a week before the final due date of the assignment.

You are to submit all source code files for your cache that are either new or modified from the original (direct mapped, one-word line size) implementation, with a transcript file showing a run of your cache on the long trace (with debugging output disabled, please). You should also submit the text file containing your comparative evaluation of cache configurations as described above. Your Verilog code should be generously commented.   The Verilog source files, transcript file, and text file should be compressed into a single tar file which should be submitted as an e-mail attachment to: hpca@engineering.uiowa.edu.  If you are not familiar with how to create a tar file, consult this link.

Due Date

Schematic design diagram:  Thursday, March 5, in-class

Tar-file: Thursday March 12 by 11:59 pm.(e-mail submission)