
High Performance Computer Architecture

Spring, 2011

Second Verilog Project

Due Dates: Thurs. April 7, Tues. April 12, Thurs. April 14, Tues. April 19


This project is intended to enhance your understanding of cache memory organization through experimentation with alternative cache write policies and implementation of a set-associative cache. The project has four parts with different due dates.

Part 1:

In this part of the assignment you will work with a Verilog model of a direct mapped cache that employs a write-through, write-allocate write policy. Specifically, you will investigate the impact of cache size on performance. The Verilog code for the direct mapped cache can be found here. Both individual files and a zipped tar-ball are provided. The following diagram shows the overall structure of the cache model.


The detailed structure of the cache itself is shown in the following block diagram. Study this diagram and the associated Verilog code and make sure that you understand it completely before proceeding with the rest of the project. The class period on Tuesday, April 5 will be devoted to a discussion of the cache model and the tasks required to complete the project.


The cache size is parameterized and can be changed by redefining constants in the cache.h header file. Memory addresses are byte addresses. However, all memory accesses are assumed to be one word (four bytes) in size, and the cache size in cache.h is expressed in words. The Verilog code for the cache includes two large memory access trace files, each containing approximately one million memory accesses captured from runs of real programs. The file large_cc.trc contains the memory access trace for an execution snippet of a C compiler, and the file large-spice.trc contains the trace for an execution snippet of a Spice circuit simulation. The trace file to be used for a simulation run of the Verilog cache model is specified in the file trace.h.

Run the direct mapped cache model for each of the trace files and for each of the following cache sizes 1K (1024) words, 2K (2048) words, 4K (4096) words, 8K (8192) words, 16K (16,384) words, and 32K (32,768) words.

Part 1 Submission:

Based upon these simulation runs, create the following graphs:

1.      Overall cache miss rate versus cache size. Show curves for both traces on the same graph.

2.      Read miss rate versus cache size. Show curves for both traces on the same graph.

3.      Write miss rate versus cache size. Show curves for both traces on the same graph.

4.      Memory read time versus cache size. Show curves for both traces on the same graph.

5.      Memory write time versus cache size. Show curves for both traces on the same graph.

Due Date for Part 1: Thursday, April 7 by 11:59 p.m. Submit via e-mail to hpca@engineering.uiowa.edu, hand-in to instructor, or leave in ECE Office (4016 SC) by closing time.

Part 2:

For this portion of the project you will modify the write policy of the direct mapped cache to: write-back, non-allocate. A nearly completed Verilog model for the modified cache is provided here. The structure of the modified cache is shown in the following diagram:



The specific changes made to the cache and its finite-state controller will be discussed in class on Tuesday, April 5. The only portion of the model that has not been completed for you is assignment of the controller output signals in the task UpdateSignals in module control.v.

Your assignment for this portion of the project is to complete the modified cache model by correctly specifying the control signal assignments in control.v. You do not need to make any changes to cache.v or any other modules.

To aid in debugging and verifying correct operation of your modified cache, as short (12 entry) trace file, called short_test.trc has been provided. You can use this trace file, in conjunction with the debug and verbose options that can be enabled in the file dbgflags.h, to analyze the behavior of your cache. Note: do NOT enable verbose or debug mode when using one of the long trace files unless you are prepared to wait a very long time for your simulation to complete. A necessary (but not sufficient) condition for correct operation of your modified cache is that it produces the same read signature as the original cache model for any trace file.

Part 2 Submission:

You should submit the following items for part 2 of the project:

1.      Your modified control.v file with the control signal assignments to correctly implement the new cache write policy.

2.      The following graphs:

a.       Read miss rate of the modified cache versus cache size, using the same range of cache sizes as in part 1. Show curves for both traces on the same graph.

b.      Write miss rate of the modified cache versus cache size, using the same range of cache sizes as in part 1. Show curves for both traces on the same graph.

c.       Memory write time of the modified cache and of the original cache versus cache size, using the same range of cache sizes as in part 1. Show curves for each trace/policy on the same graph, four curves total.

d.      Total time (memory read time plus memory write time) for the modified cache and the original cache versus cache size, using the same range of cache sizes as in part 1. Show curves for each trace/policy on the same graph, four curves total.

3.      A brief report summarizing and explaining the observed performance differences between the two cache organizations.

Due date for Part 2: Tuesday, April 12 by 11:59 p.m. Modified control.v file to be submitted by e-mail to hpca@engineering.uiowa.edu. Remaining items can be submitted by e-mail to the same address, handed in to instructor, or submitted in the ECE Office (4016 SC) prior to closing time.

 Parts 3 and 4:

For these portions of the assignment, you will modify the direct-mapped, write-back/non-allocate cache from part 2, to convert it to a two-way set associative cache with a LRU replacement policy (while maintaining the write-back/non-allocate write policy) and then compare its performance to the direct mapped organization.

Part 3 Submission:

Prepare a block diagram for your set-associative cache at same level of detail as provided in the diagrams shown earlier in this document for the direct-mapped caches. Your diagram does not need to show details that will remain the same for the set-associative cache as in the original direct mapped cache but should clearly show all modifications and additions required to implement set associativity. It is acceptable to submit several smaller diagrams showing various aspects of the design rather than one large diagram. However, it is important that your diagram(s) reflect a carefully thought-out solution to the problem. All new components and/or control signals must be clearly specified. Vague and/or incomplete diagrams are not acceptable.

In addition, you should submit a modified finite state machine diagram for your set associative cache at the same level of detail as the diagrams for the direct-mapped caches that were provided in the lecture notes and discussed in class.

Part 3 Due Date: Thursday, April 14, by 11:59 p.m. May be submitted by e-mail to hpca@engineering.uiowa.edu, handed-in to the instructor, or submitted in the ECE Office (4016 SC) prior to closing time.

Part 4 Submission:

For this portion of the project you will need to submit the Verilog code that implements your set-associative cache, and several graphs analyzing the performance of the set associative cache relative to the direct mapped cache for various total cache sizes. Submit only those Verilog source and header files that you have modified in implementing the set associative cache. If at all possible, restrict your Verilog code changes to the modules control.v, cache.v, and control.h. In any event, it is essential that you maintain the file name and module name conventions of the direct mapped model. Your submitted modules should be packaged together in a single tar-ball. Do not include anything other than Verilog source code in this tar-ball.

In addition, you should submit the following graphs:

a.       Read miss rate of the set associative cache versus cache size, using the same range of cache sizes as in part 1. Show curves for both traces on the same graph.

b.      Write miss rate of the set associative cache versus cache size, using the same range of cache sizes as in part 1. Show curves for both traces on the same graph.

c.       Total time (memory read time plus memory write time) for the set associative cache, and of the direct-mapped cache from part 2, versus cache size, using the same range of cache sizes as in part 1. Show curves for each trace/policy on the same graph, four curves total.

Part 4 Due Date: Tuesday, April 19 by 11:59 p.m. tar-ball containing Verilog code for set-associative cache, to be submitted by e-mail to hpca@engineering.uiowa.edu. Remaining items can be submitted by e-mail to the same address, handed in to instructor, or submitted in the ECE Office (4016 SC) prior to closing time.