53:119 Hydrology
Problem #9
Precipitation Analysis for the June 1972 Storm on Ralston Creek

Use the areal-average precipitation based on the Thiessen polygon method (given) for the 17-18 June 1972 storm on the North Branch Ralston Creek watershed to:

  1. Plot the the areal average rainfall versus time (Note that this is commonly referred to as the incremental rainfall hyetograph).
  2. Compute the cumulative rainfall (in inches) for each hour for the areal average rainfall .
  3. Plot the cumulative rainfall versus time (Note that this is commonly referred to as the cumulative rainfall hyetograph, or rainfall mass curve).
  4. Compute the maximum rainfall intensity (in inches/hr) for durations of 1, 3, and 6 hours, for the areal average rainfall computed

Last changed on 08/31/12 by aab.