53:119 Hydrology
Problem #7
Missing Precipitation for Iowa City (NCDC web site)

Use monthly precipitation data for the stations listed below to estimate the "missing" precipitation for the Iowa City station for June 2008.

Station IDStation
131314Cedar Rapids Airport
138266Tipton 4 NE
134101Iowa City

  1. Obtain basic data for the four stations from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) web site.  Record the station location (latitude/longitude), total precipitation (in inches) for June 2008, and the departure from normal (in inches).  To do this:
  2. Determine the 30-year "normal" precipitation (in inches) for June the four stations.  Note that the departure from normal (for June 2008) is equal to the total precipitation (for June 2008) minus the normal precipitation (unknown).
  3. Assume that the measurement at the Iowa City station is "missing".  Estimate June 2008 precipitation (in inches) for the missing station using the uniform weighting method.
  4. Assume that the measurement at the Iowa City station is "missing".  Estimate June 2008 precipitation (in inches) for the missing station using inverse distance squared weighting.  You can compute the distance between the stations using the Latitude/Longitude Distance Calculator .
  5. Assume that the measurement at the Iowa City station is "missing".  Estimate June 2008 precipitation (in inches) for the missing station using the Normal Ratio method.

Last changed on 09/04/13 by aab.