53:119 Hydrology
Problem #6
Radar Reflectivity and Rainrates
(Multiple Combination of Drops)

Determine the radar reflectivity factor (Z) and the radar-estimated rainfall rates for the three cases shown below. In each case, a small atmospheric sampling volume (1 m3) contains raindrops with a constant drop diameter.

CaseNumber of DropsDrop Diameter (mm)

For all three cases, compute the following:

  1. The radar reflectivity factor (Z) (in mm6/m3).
  2. The rainrate (in mm/hr) using the Marshall-Palmer Z-R relationship.
  3. The rainrate (in mm/hr) using the Austin Z-R relationship.
  4. The volume of water in the sampling volume (mm3).

The parameters for the Z-R relationship (Z=aRb) are defined below:

Z-R Relationshipab

Note that Z has units of mm6/m3, and R has units of mm/hr for these parameters.

Last changed on 09/04/13 by aab.