Views of Wuhan

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 Across the street from the campus is a number of furniture factories, with display rooms facing the street.  A delivery vehicle loading furniture  One of the many street sweepers
 Cobbler near my apartment Children playing in sand Street market scene
 View from top of flood levee  Yucca on the levee  Kitten sleeping in the market


 A truck trying to negotiate its way through an alley  Mother & child  Toddler in a party dress



 Child in park  Street actors/acrobats  Street actors/acrobats






 An "upscale" pedestrian mall in Han-Kou, once the location of the foreign concession in Wuhan. (See some Chinese history for what this means!)  Another street scene in Han-Kou. Note the European-style buildings.  Pedestrian overpass in Han-Kou


 Another view of overpass.  Pedestrian mall in Han-Kou  Night scene in Han-Kou
 Scene at quay for ferries across the Yangtze River    Woman selling "bracelets" of flowers (with fragrance like lily-of-the-valley)
      A billboard-sized mosaic of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River above Wuhan


Last modified: 27 September 2004

Photos by Dennis Bricker, while visiting Wuhan University of Technology
Wuhan, Hubei, China