A Short Intro ...

Hello and Welcome! I am Ann Black, Prof. Korpel's student and the Webmaster of this site. Thanks for visiting Physics and Fiction, Optics and Epics. We hope you enjoy your drive through our web site. This is a new site, my first attempt at one, and we are anxious to get feedback from our visitors. So at any time during your visit you discover something that you like, or dislike; something that is not working; or just feel like sending us email for the fun of it, click on (located at the bottom of each web page or side frame) and send us your thoughts!

What's There To See Around Here?

This web site is a large collection of Adrian Korpel's scientific and other writings. It is sectioned currently into four main categories:

Newspaper Column
Modern Optics Book
Technical Publications and Notes
Literary Publications
Here's the lowdown on each section.
Newspaper Column: Adrian Korpel writes a personal essay column for the Iowa City Press-Citizen published every third Saturday of the month. This section contains all of his columns from January '96 to recent.
Modern Optics: This is the begining of a multi-media, interactive book about Optics with provisionally completed topics including Fourier Transforms, Convolution and Correlation.
Technical Publications & Notes: This is a collection of recent papers written jointly by Korpel and graduate students. It also contains notes that have not (yet) been peer-reviewed.
Literary Publications: Besides writting a column, doing research, and working on a book, Korpel has also published a number of short stories and poems, accessable through this site.

How To Maneuver Around This Site

So now that you know about all the exciting places you can visit, how do you get there, you ask?

Our Road Map

(click on where you want to visit)

This site has a simple infastructure, and all navigational tools are always located at the bottom of each page you visit. Think of each link as a road. Each of these "roads" will take you somewhere new, will meet up with new roads at intersections, and you can always return the same route you took.

The main index page, Optics and Epics, Physics and Fiction, is your major interstate running through this web site. You can always return to it at any time by clicking on the . From this highway there are 7 exits. Four of them (the four major sections I talked about earlier) will be large road ways (green roads on map) intersecting new, smaller roads (blue roads on map). The will bring you back to the larger road you turned off of while the and the will move you between the possible smaller roads. The always will exit you onto a smaller road from a larger road.

For those of you who wish to frequent this page often, a side navagational frame has been added for quick and easy navagating. You can drive automatically on any road that exits from the main highway by simply clicking on it's appropiate icon.

That should get you started on navigating through our site, have fun! Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy your visit! If you have any questions, feel free to send email.