Fall 2008 http://www.engineering.uiowa.edu/~fluids/
11:30 - 12:20 MWF 1505SC
Professor Frederick Stern
Hours: 223C HL, 12:30 - 1:30 MWF (or by appointment)
Tel: 5-5215; e-mail: frederick-stern@uiowa.edu
Course Objectives:
This is a
first course in fluid mechanics. It provides an introduction to basic concepts
in fluid statics, kinematics, and dynamics. Control-volume and
differential equation and dimensional analysis methods are derived and used to
demonstrate applications to simple external- and internal-flow fluids
engineering systems to determine variables of interest (pressure; shear stress;
velocity distributions; flow rates; forces; energy losses; power requirements;
etc). Homework assignments, tests, and complementary experimental and
computational fluid dynamics (EFD and CFD) laboratories are integrated into the
course, which reinforce the theory and its practical application. The EFD
laboratories introduce fluids engineering facilities, measurement systems
(equipment and data acquisition and reduction methods) and uncertainty
assessment methodology and procedures. The CFD laboratories introduce
fluids engineering simulation based design methods, utilizing commercial
industrial software Fluent along with a recently developed CFD educational
interface. The course provides the requisite material for other fluids,
hydraulics, and heat transfer courses in the Biomedical, Civil, Chemical, and
Mechanical Engineering programs.
Textbook: Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 5th edition, B.R. Munson, D.F. Young, and T.H. Okiishi, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006, ISBN: 978-0470-10385-2 (NEW textbook with FREE WileyPlus). Students who buy used books can purchase a WileyPlus Code either from the bookstore or from the Wiley Inc. directly online. Note that WileyPlus is NOT mandatory for participating this class.
Class Lecture Notes: http://www.engineering.uiowa.edu/~fluids/
Instructions to access Wiley-Plus: How to access Wiley-Plus
Homework problems are assigned MWF, are due WFM, respectively, and will be returned the
following F. Homework assignments should be submitted by 5:00 PM on the
due date at the fluids homework box outside 2416 SC. Late submission will
not be accepted without a legitimate reason, explained in writing at the time
of submission.
Homework solutions should be prepared in the following format:
Problem statement, relevant figure drawn to scale, list of variables known
To be determined?
assumptions/limitations of solution, formulas, constants, units
Details of the work using appropriate units and significant digits
Solutions will be posted on class website soon after the problems have been
graded. Consult these to correct your solutions for future reference.
Homework problems will be graded by one of the Teaching Assistants, who will
hold regular office hours and should be consulted in case of difficulty in
solution of problems or questions concerning grading.
Each problem will be graded on the basis of 10 points. Homework accounts
for 10% of the final grade.
Experimental and Computational Laboratories
Complementary EFD measurements and CFD simulations are an important part of
this course. Each student must participate fully in the conduct of both
EFD and CFD labs and in the compilation and analysis of the results. Both
labs are conducted by groups with group effort encouraged in the conduct of the
EFD/CFD and analysis of results. However, each student must prepare
independent lab reports. Each student will be assigned a group on the basis
of alphabetical order in the first class list for each section. If
students wish to form a different group, the instructor must be notified no
later than the beginning of the second week of classes.
The EFD measurements and CFD simulations are conducted in the instructional
laboratories located in Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research (IIHR).
Three EFD and two CFD labs will be conducted with separate reports required for
three EFD labs (4% each) and two CFD labs (4% each). Pre (0%) and post EFD/CFD
lab tests will also be given (5%). Laboratories account for 25% of the
final grade.
Consult the EFD/CFD Lab Schedule for the
dates on which each group meets, and for deadlines for the submission of the
lab reports. (also see Class Schedule).
More detailed instructions on EFD/CFD lab procedures and reports will be
provided during special classes on EFD and CFD (see
There will be two in-semester 50-minute and one final 120-minute examinations,
on the dates shown on the Class Schedule.
All exams are closed notes and books. Students may prepare and bring a one-page
formula sheet to exams.
3. Exams may include standard problems as well as multiple-choice, short answer, and true-false questions. Examinations may include problems previously assigned for homework.
4. Pop-quizzes will be given randomly approximately every two weeks.
The final course grade will be based on the total points earned during the semester. The distribution of points is as follows:
Two in-semester exams, 12.5% each = 25
Final examination, 25% = 25
Homework problems, 10% = 10
Pop-quizzes, 15% = 15
5 lab reports (4% each), post test, 5% = 25
100 points
Class website
provides all course materials,
including lecture notes, EFD and CFD lab handouts and assignments, and grades
for homework, laboratory reports, and tests. Lectures will present
website lecture notes etc. with additional discussion, using the overhead
projector. Students should not take detailed in-class notes copying this
material since it is available and can be downloaded and printed via the
website, but should rather augment website material with notes based on additional
discussion, which supplement and expand on website material.