57:020 Mechanics of Fluids and Transport Processes
College of Engineering, The University of Iowa
Course Schedule (7th edition)
Class #
or Lab #
Date Important Concepts
(Section # in Text Reading)
or Lab Activities
Problems Assigned,
due next class
(by 5:00pm)
1 Aug. 23 Definition fluid; continuum hypothesis; flow classification
(Text 1.1-1.5)
2 25 Basic (M, L, T, t) and secondary (V, a, F=Ma, p, r, u) units;
extensive and intensive properties:
g, r(gas/liquid; T, p) ,m( gas/liquid; T, p ), n; shear stress and rate of strain; compressibility; surface tension; and vapor pressure/cavitation

(Text 2.1 - 2.9)
2.5 (fluid properties);
2.33 (velocity profile, pressure gradient, shear stress)
  26 NO CLASS -
3(FM lecture) 27 Fluid Mechanics: 
2.39 (terminal velocity, shear stress); 2.50 (surface tension)
4 30 Pressure definition, force, transmission, absolute/gage/vacuum;
pressure variation with elevation liquids/gases;
pressure measurement (barometer, piezometer, manometers)

 (Text 3.1-3.3)
3.11 (fluid statics);
3.19 (simple manometer)
5 Sep. 1 Continued 3.34 (U-tube manometer);
3.49 (differential manometer)
EFD lecture
8:30am, 133 HL
11:30am, 2217 SC
2 Experimental  Methodology and Uncertainty Assessment Procedures -
6 3 Hydrostatic force plane surfaces; center of pressure
(Text 3.4)
3.73, 3.82 (plane surface)
EFD Lab1 7 EFD Lab1 -
7 8 Continued 3.89, 3.95 (plane surface)
EFD Lab1 9 EFD Lab1 -
8 10 Hydrostatic forces curved surfaces (horizontal and vertical components)
(Text 3.5)
3.94, 3.137 (curved surface)
9 13 Buoyancy; hydrometer; stability immersed and floating bodies
(Text 3.6-3.8)
3.102 (buoyancy);
 3.139 (hydrometer)
EFD Lab1 14 EFD Lab1 -
10 15 Continued 3.147, 3.151 (stability floating body)
EFD Lab1 16 EFD Lab1 -
11 17 Fluid velocity; Lagrangian vs. Eulerian; flow rate Q; acceleration a
4.1 - 4.3)
4.37 (Q);
 4.43 (a)
12 20 CV approach; RTT
4.50 (a);
4.63 (RTT)
EFD Lab2 21 EFD Lab2 -
13 22 Continuity equation
4.75, 4.80 (continuity equation)
EFD Lab2 23 EFD Lab2 -



Vorticity; classification flows
4.6-4.8 )
4.104, 4.105 (vorticity)
15 27 Review -
EFD Lab2 28 EFD Lab2 -
16 29 EXAM 1 -
EFD Lab2 30 EFD Lab2; EFD 1 Report Due; 5:00pm -
17 Oct 1 Euler equation
(Text 5
5.9, 5.10 (Euler equation)
18 4 Rigid body translation and rotation
5.20 (translation); 5.25 (rotation)
19 6 Bernoulli equation, applications, limitations
5.69 (Bernoulli, stagnation tube),
5.97 (rotation/Bernoulli, tornado)
No class 7 No class -
CFD lecture 8 Computational Fluid Dynamics -
20 11 Momentum equation and applications (vane, nozzle, bend, sluice gate)
(Text 6.1-6.5)
6.3, 6.9 (jet)
CFD PreLab1 12 CFD PreLab1 -
21 13 Continued 6.38 (bend);
 6.51 (nozzle)
CFD PreLab1 14 CFD PreLab1 -
22 15 Navier-Stokes Equation
(Text 6
6.52 (double nozzle);
 6.63 (sluice gate)
6.64 (shear force);
 6.65 (boat)
23 18 Energy equation, shaft work, head loss, applications (abrupt expansion, transitions, pipe systems)
(Text 7
7.22, 7.28 (head loss)
CFD Lab1 19 CFD Lab1 -
24 20 Continued 7.33 (pump);
7.40 (turbine)
CFD Lab1 21 CFD Lab1 -
25 22 Continued 7.51 (abrupt expansion);
7.57 (cavitation)
26 25 Hydraulic and energy grade lines
(Text 7
7.68, 7.70 (HGL/EGL)
CFD Lab1
26 CFD Lab1
27 27 Dimensional homogeneity; Pi theorem; dimensional analysis
(Text 8
CFD Lab1
28 CFD Lab1
28 29 Important non-dimensional parameters
(Text 8
29 Nov. 1 Similarity and model testing
(Text 8
EFD Lab3 2 EFD Lab3 -
30 3 Review -
EFD Lab3 4 EFD Lab3 -
31 5 EXAM 2 -
32 8 Drag and lift, simple laminar flows (Couette, Poiseuille, inclined plane)
(Text 9
9.1, 9.13 (Couette flow)
EFD Lab3 9 EFD Lab3 -
33 10 Continued 9.20 (inclined plane);
9.21 (Poiseuille flow)
EFD Lab3 11 EFD Lab3; Combined EFD2 and CFD 1 Report Due; 5:00pm -
34 12 Laminar boundary layer theory and equations
(Text 9.3-9.4)
9.43, 9.44 (laminar BL)
35 15 Turbulent boundary layer theory and equations
(Text 9
9.61. 9.64 (turbulent BL)
CFD PreLab2 16 CFD PreLab2 -
36 17 Continued 9.73, 9.77 (ship BL)
CFD PreLab2 18 CFD PreLab2 -
37 19 Entrance and developing flow, laminar flow, friction factor
10.1 - 10.2)
10.8, 10.34 (laminar pipe flow)
- 22 Thanksgiving Recess -
- 24 Thanksgiving Recess -
- 25 Thanksgiving Recess -
- 26 Thanksgiving Recess -
38 29 Turbulent flow, roughness, application pipe systems
10.3 - 10.4)
 10.44 (head loss);
10.63 (flow rate)
CFD Lab2 30 CFD Lab2 -
39 Dec 1 Minor losses
10.5 - 10.8)
10.67 (diameter);
10.78 (HGL/EGL)
CFD Lab2 2 CFD Lab2 -
40 3 Continued
(Text 10.6 - 10.8)
10.95, 10.100 (minor losses)
41 6 Drag and lift coefficients, Strouhal number
(Text 11.1-11.9)
11.8 (drag);
11.13 (Strouhal No.)
42 8 Continued 11.30 (drag),
11.45 (terminal velocity)
43 10 Review -
Final Exam 14

Final Exam: 12:00pm Tuesday 12/14/2004
Combined EFD3 and CFD 2 Report Due; 5:00pm, Friday, 12/17/2004



Please send comments to: dane-rider@uiowa.edu
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