55:148 Digital Image Processing
55:247 Image Analysis and Understanding
Chapter 13,
Texture: Statistical texture description
Chapter 13.1 Overview:
Methods based on spatial frequencies
Co-occurrence matrices
Edge frequency
Primitive length (run length)
Laws' texture energy measures
Fractal texture description
Other statistical methods of texture description
The concept of texture is intuitively obvious but has no precise definition.
Texture is something consisting of mutually related elements.
Texture primitives (or texture elements, texels) are building blocks of a texture.
Texture description is scale dependent.
- Humans describe texture as fine, coarse, grained, smooth, etc.
- These description are imprecise and non-quantitative.
- Texture can be described by its tone and structure.
- Tone ... based on pixel intensity properties.
- Structure ... describes spatial relationships of primitives.
- Texture can be described by the number and types of primitives and by their spatial relationships.
- The following figure shows that neither identical primitives nor identical structure is sufficient for texture description if considered alone.
- Weak and strong textures ...
- Weak textures
- have small spatial interactions between primitives, can be described by frequencies of primitive types appearing in some neighborhood;
- statistical approaches are adequate for weak texture description.
- Strong textures
- spatial interactions among primitives are somewhat regular;
- frequency of occurrence of primitive pairs in some spatial relationship can be used for description;
- frequently accompanied by exact definition of texture primitives.
- Definition of a constant texture
- An image region has a constant texture if a set of its local properties in that region is constant, slowly changing, or approximately periodic.
- Two basic texture description approaches:
Statistical Texture Description
Methods based on spatial frequencies
- coarse textures ... larger primitives ... lower spatial frequencies
- fine textures ... smaller primitives ... higher spatial frequencies
Autocorrelation function of a texture
pixel = texture primitive
linear spatial properties evaluated by correlation coefficients
coarse texture ... autocorrelation function value decreases slowly with distance
fine texture ... autocorrelation function value decreases rapidly with distance
Fourier texture analysis
average values of energy of wedges or rings of Fourier spectrum can be used as features
Co-occurrence matrices
- based on repeated occurrence of some gray-level configuration in the texture
- this configuration varies rapidly in fine textures, more slowly in coarse textures
- occurrence of gray-level configuration may be described by matrices of relative frequencies, called co-occurrence matrices
- these matrices are symmetric but asymmetric definition is also possible
- corresponding co-occurrence matrices:
- Texture classification can be based on criteria (features) derived from the co-occurrence matrices.
- Energy
- Contrast (typically, kappa=2, lambda=1)
- Inverse difference moment
- where means and standard deviations are defined as
- Co-occurrence matrices description uses 2nd order image statistics.
- Advantage ... consideration of spatial properties
- Limitation: does not consider primitive shape
- Therefore, not recommended for textures with large primitives
Edge frequency
features based on distance-related gradient
micro-edges can be detected using small-distance operators
macro-edges need large-size edge detectors
g(d) is a distance-dependent texture description function:
- g(d) is similar to negative autocorrelation function
- dimensionality of texture description is specified by the number of considered distances d
- Texture features can be derived from 1st and 2nd order statistics of edge distributions
- 1st order
- coarseness ~~edge density
- contrast ~~ large edge magnitudes = high contrast
- randomness ~~ entropy of edge magnitude histogram
- 2nd order
- directivity ~~ entropy of edge direction histogram
- linearity ~~ co-occurrence of edge pairs with same direction (a,b in figure below)
- periodicity ~~ co-occurrence of edge pairs with same direction (a,c in figure below)
- size ~~ co-occurrence of edge pairs with opposite direction (a,d in figure below)
Primitive length (run length)
large number of neighboring pixels o the same gray level - coarse texture
small number ... fine texture
lengths of texture primitives in different directions can be used for texture description
primitives - length, direction, gray level
- B(a,r) ... number of primitives of all directions having length r and gray level a
- M, N ... image dimensions
- L ... number f image gray levels
- Nr ... max length of primitive
- K ... total number of primitives
- Primitive length uniformity
Laws' texture energy measures
texture description uses
- average gray level
- edges
- spots
- ripples
- waves
- Features are derived from 3 vectors:
- L3 = (1,2,1) ... averaging
- E3 = (-1,0,1) .. first difference - edges
- S3 = (-1,2,-1) ... second difference - spots
- After convolution of the 3 vectors with themselves and each other, five vectors result:
- By mutual multiplying these 5 vectors, 5x5 Laws' masks result, e.g.:
- Convolution texture with Laws' masks and calculation of energy statistics gives description features.
Fractal texture description
Other statistical methods of texture description
- Mathematical morphology
- Texture transform
- Autoregression texture model
- Peak and valley method
- Markov chain approach
- Gabor transforms, wavelets
Last Modified: June 8, 1999