55:148 Digital Image Processing
55:247 Image Analysis and Understanding

Chapter 9,
3D Vision (Part I): Geometry for 3D vision

Chapter 9.2 Overview:

Basics of projective geometry

The single perspective camera

where we make the substitutions alpha_u = -fa, alpha_shear = -fb, and alpha_v = -fc.

where ~X is the 3D scene point in homogeneous co-ordinates.

An overview of single camera calibration

Calibration of one camera from the known scene

where u_p, v_p is the correction to the position of the principal point.

Two cameras, stereopsis

The geometry of two cameras. The fundamental matrix

Relative motion of the camera; the essential matrix

Estimation of a fundamental matrix from image point correspondences

Applications of the epipolar geometry in vision

Three and more cameras

Stereo correspondence algorithms

Active acquisition of range images

Last Modified: April 21, 1997

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