Stanier, C. O. and Reed, D.  Draft White Paper on Presidential Leadership and Innovation Award in Climate Smart Agriculture - May 2016.

The US agriculture sector is responsible for 6‐9% of annual US emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) (depending on whether energy use and above and below ground carbon sequestration are included in accounting methods). In states high agricultural output, the fraction of GHG attributable to agriculture can exceed 25%. Livestock, grasslands and pasturelands, crop production and on‐farm energy use are
important contributors to US GHG emissions. While US agriculture is one of the most efficient and productive in the world, increased efficiencies and new techniques and innovations can contribute to US efforts to mitigate climate change. The agriculture sector is positioned to play a leading role in reducing GHG emissions and delivering multiple ancillary high‐value co‐benefits to society. These co‐benefits include: enhanced ecosystem, habitat and biodiversity benefits; improved water quality and quantity; and
increased food security in the face of climate change impacts. A high visibility annual awards program for innovators and leaders in Climate Smart Agriculture is critically
needed in the United States. Such a program would help to publicize and spread successful innovative practices that reduce the climate impact of food and fiber production.


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