Resume of Andreas WahleAssociate Research Engineer
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born 1965 in Essen, Germany |
Education: | |
August 1971 to |
Peter-Petersen-Schule (elementary school) |
July 1975 to |
Ziehenschule (secondary and high school) |
October 1984 to |
Technical University of Berlin,
Student of Computer Science |
October 3, 1986 |
Vordiplom (comparable to Bachelor of Science) |
September 9, 1991 |
Dipl.-Inform. (Master of Computer Science) |
June 26, 1996 |
Application for Dr.-Ing. (Ph.D. in Engineering) |
November 22, 1996 |
Wissenschaftliche Aussprache (Ph.D. defense) |
March 13, 1997 |
Certification of Ph.D. degree |
Employments: | |
July 1985 to |
Siemens AG, electrical devices |
April 1990 to |
German Heart Institute of Berlin |
January 1992 to |
German Heart Institute of Berlin |
January 1997 to |
Corporation for Integrated Processing |
August 1997 to |
The University of Iowa, Department of |
August 1999 to |
The University of Iowa, Department of |
March 2000 to |
The University of Iowa, Department of |
February 2004 to |
The University of Iowa, Department of |
February 2004 to |
The University of Iowa, Department of |
Research Topics and Projects:Current projects with federal funding: | |
3-D reconstruction of vascular structures from biplane angiography This work was supported by a research grant of the German Research Society (DFG) and performed at the German Heart Institute of Berlin, in collaboration with the Virchow Clinics of Berlin; furthermore, it was the basis for both M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees. | |
Graduate | Developed a program for 3-D reconstruction from biplane angiograms; extension of existing vessel detection methods used for single-plane QCA; reconstruction of single points and branching vessel hierarchies in 3-D; utilizing special graphics hardware for visualization of the reconstruction results. |
Doctoral | Establishing a system for refinement of the imaging geometry; assessment and correction of tolerances introduced by the imaging devices; developed biplane calibration techniques and accurate morphometric measurements on coronary arteries; medical application in pediatric cardiology and for the quantification of diffuse coronary artery disease; also used for validation of laser treatment in obstructed vessels. |
Recent | Interactive registration of 3-D reconstructed vascular systems with corresponding nuclear image data in collaboration with the Free University of Amsterdam Medical Center, the Netherlands; development of a VRML/JavaScript application as graphical user interface. |
Telemedicine, standardized image exchange and storage, PACS/HIS This work was performed within in the scope of a multicenter project of the European Community (TELEMED/RACE), and at the German Heart Institute of Berlin in several projects sponsored by subsidiaries of the German Telecom. | |
Graduate | Developed a complex library to access and to create ACR/NEMA image files; support of the full standard except networking. |
Doctoral | Extension of the ACR/NEMA library towards DICOM; access to off-line storage media; compression schemes; extension of the DICOM library by networking features; developed a prototypic DICOM image database; communication with HL7 components; developed firewall gateways for inter-institutional DICOM transfer; participated in the installation of high-volume image archives at the German Heart Institute and the Virchow Clinics. |
3-D fusion of biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasound This work is performed at the University of Iowa, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, initially on the basis of a postdoctoral scholarship of the German Research Society (DFG), since 1999 continued within an R01 grant of the National Institutes of Health, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). | |
Post-Doctoral | Development of a comprehensive system for geometrically correct spatial reconstruction of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) images by fusion with biplane angiograms; continuation and incorporation of previously developed methods for 3-D reconstruction from biplane angiograms, segmentation of IVUS images, and preliminary methods for calculation of the catheter twist; developed a new automated non-iterative method to establish the absolute orientation of IVUS frames; participated in the encapsulation of the system into a graphical user interface; developed new methods for visualization and automated modeling in VRML; participated in the medical application of the system under routine conditions. |
Current | Continuation of the fusion system developments within the scope of an inter-disciplinary project between the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Internal Medicine, and Preventive Medicine; extension of the system towards 4-D application (3-D plus time); refinement of the methods for estimation of the catheter location and absolute orientation during IVUS pullback; hemodynamic analysis; development of 4-D animation and virtual angioscopy applications in VRML and JavaScript; geometrically correct calculation of the 3-D dose distribution in intravascular brachytherapy in collaboration with the Department of Radiation Oncology; participated in design and implementation of a biplane DICOM viewer and an XML-based front end for the fusion system; medical application at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics as well as several national and international partners. |
Highly automated analysis of 4-D cardiovascular MR data This inter-disciplinary project started in 2003, its methodology is developed at the University of Iowa, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, with funding provided by an R01 grant of the National Institutes of Health, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). | |
Current | In this project, Active-Appearance Models are developed and utilized to analyze MR data from two groups of subjects, postoperative tetralogy of Fallot patients and patients with connective tissue disorders; in collaboration with the University of Iowa Departments of Pediatric Cardiology, Radiology, Internal Medicine, and Biostatistics. Data is acquired over several (up to four) years and statistical shape and appearance models created, representing an average shape and variations found in the training set. Beyond the aim of automated segmentation of ventricular and aortic MR images, this data is used to determine modal indices that potentially distinguish normals from patients in order to predict future development of the disease. |
Teaching: | |
Doctoral | Informal co-supervision of three M.D. students at Virchow Clinics; several guest lectures in seminars within Europe. |
Post-Doctoral | Occasional lectures and presentations at the University of Iowa; teaching assignments for full semester courses in Computer Architecture and Organization, and in Digital Design. |
Current | Occasional lectures and presentations at the University of Iowa; co-supervision of several graduate students in Electrical and Computer Engineering as well as Biomedical Engineering; member of several Ph.D. committees. |
Awards and Honors: | |
December 13, 1996 |
Invited lecture entitled "3-D Reconstruction of Vascular Structures" at a nationwide course on Medical Imaging, "Corso su: Le Immagini in Medicina; Visualizzazione, Elaborazione ed Applicazioni Cliniche" addressing Ph.D. students and faculty at the Scuola Normale Superiore de Pisa, Italy. |
February 24, 1999 |
Presentation "Automated Calculation of the Axial Orientation of Intravascular Ultrasound Images by Fusion with Biplane Angiography" received a Honorable Mention Poster Award of the SPIE Medical Imaging 1999 Image Processing Conference in San Diego, U.S.A. |
May 3, 2003 |
Elevation to Senior Member level by the IEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. |
May 23, 2003 |
Invited keynote lecture "Coronary Angiography and Intravascular Ultrasound -- Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Quantification by Data Fusion" at the 8th European Congress on Medical Physics (EFOMP), held in conjunction with the 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Dutch Society for Medical Physics (NVKF), in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. |
June 24, 2004 |
Invited introductory lecture "Quantification of Coronary Hemodynamics and Plaque Morphology using X-Ray Angiography and Intravascular Ultrasound" in the Invasive Vascular Imaging session of the 2004 International Symposium on Cardiovascular Imaging, part of the 18th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS), in Chicago, U.S.A. |
Publications: | |
3-D reconstruction of vascular structures from biplane angiography
3-D fusion of biplane angiography and intravascular ultrasound
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Scientific Memberships: | |
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Journal Reviewing Activities: | |
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Conference Reviewing and Program Committees: | |
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Languages: | |
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Updated: November 2005