Wahle A, Mitchell
SC, von Birgelen C, Erbel R, Sonka M:
CARS '99, in:
Proceedings of the 12th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Paris FR, Excerpta Medica International Congress Series, Elsevier
Volume 1191, Page 56-60, 1999
This paper shows the in-vivo applicability of the approach and presents the visualization aspects in detail, especially a new method for IVUS projection images (Paper) (Images) (Links)
Abstract: Intravascular ultrasound of the coronary arteries (IVUS) is becoming a well-established complementary method to angiography for cardiovascular diagnosis and supervision of coronary interventions. Using a catheter with an ultrasonic transducer in its tip, pulled back during imaging, the vessel cross-sections can be imaged, depicting the lumen as well as the vessel wall, including the composition and location of the plaque. This information cannot be obtained from angiographic images. However, a major drawback of IVUS is its inability to reconstruct the vessel segment geometrically correct, i.e. considering the vessel curvature when assigning the detected plaque to specific locations. For coronary interventions, it is important to know the accurate location and dimensions of the lesion, e.g. for stenting. Since lesion assessment and intervention usually take place during the same session, a quick estimation of the vessel parameters is as important as a more detailed analysis of the treatment results after intervention. We developed a comprehensive system for spatial fusion of the coronary angiography and the intravascular ultrasound data. It allows a real-time reconstruction and visualization of the respective vessel segment, the latter by using a standardized visualization language (VRML) for platform-independent presentation.
Note: This paper has been partially reprinted in International Hospital Equipment & Solutions, Volume 25, Number 5, Page 22, September 1999
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Matching Angio-IVUS
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vs. Energy-Complement Projections
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