Wahle A, Oswald
H, Schulze-Neick I, Schneider M, Hausdorf G, Alexi
V, Weng YG, Hetzer R, Lange PE, Fleck E:
Computers in Cardiology 1992, Durham NC, IEEE-CS Press
Page 19-22, 1992
Medical Application of 3-D reconstruction in pediatric cardiology (Images) (Links)
Abstract: Three dimensional reconstruction methods of vessel systems provide the cardiologist with useful morphologic data and allow arbitrary spatial views on vessel trees. A software tool for geometric reconstruction applied on biplane angiograms has been developed. We used it to verify the results of the Arterial Switch operation. This operation on patients with transposition of the great arteries involves surgical mobilisation of the coronary arteries from the aorta and re-connection with the neo-aorta. The three dimensional anatomies of the coronary arteries were reconstructed to compare their pre- and post-operative morphologies.
Arterial Switch
Operation: Source Angiograms
- 512 columns,
768 rows, 146 KB
of 3-D Reconstruction
- 512 columns,
768 rows, 33 KB