Wahle A, Mitchell
SC, Ramaswamy SD, Chandran KB, Sonka M:
SPIE Proceedings
Volume 4322, Page 743-754, 2001
4-D modeling and computational hemodynamics with in-vitro validation and in-vivo feasibility study (Paper) (Images) (Links)
Abstract: Conventional reconstructions from intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) stack the frames as acquired during the pullback of the catheter to form a straight three-dimensional volume, thus neglecting the vessel curvature and merging images from different heart phases. We are developing a comprehensive system for fusion of the IVUS data with the pullback path as determined from x-ray angiography, to create a geometrically accurate 4-D (3-D plus time) model of the coronary vasculature as basis for computational hemodynamics. The overall goal of our work is to correlate shear stress with plaque thickness. The IVUS data are obtained in a single pullback using an automated pullback device; the frames are afterwards assigned to their respective heart phases based upon the ECG signal. A set of 3-D models is reconstructed by fusion of IVUS and angiographic data corresponding to the same ECG-gated heart phase; methods of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are applied to obtain important hemodynamic data. Combining these models yields the final 4-D reconstruction. Visualization is performed using the platform-independent VRML standard for a user-friendly manipulation of the scene. An extension for virtual angioscopy allows an easy assessment of the vessel features within their local context. Validation was successfully performed both in-vitro and in-vivo.
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Aortic-Arc Tube Model
for Validation of CFD System
- 750 columns,
1021 rows, 41 KB
Distribution in Tube
- 1048 columns,
676 rows, 12 KB
Distribution in Stenosed Right Coronary Artery
- 920 columns, 688 rows, 49 KB
Endoscopic View Distal
of Stenosis with CFD Data Included
924 columns, 640 rows, 248 KB