Wahle A, Mitchell
SC, Olszewski ME, Long RM, Sonka M:
EBiOS 2000, in:
SPIE Europto
Volume 4158, Page 144-155, 2000/2001
Comprehensive summarizing paper about the complete process of segmentation, fusion, and visualization, along with an illustration of user interaction (Paper) (Images) (Links)
Abstract: In the rapidly evolving field of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) for tissue characterization and visualization, the assessment of vessel morphology still lacks a geometrically correct 3-D reconstruction. The IVUS frames are usually stacked up to form a straight vessel, neglecting curvature and the axial twisting of the catheter during the pullback. This paper presents a comprehensive system for geometrically correct reconstruction of IVUS images by fusion with biplane angiography, thus combining the advantages of both modalities. Vessel cross-section and tissue characteristics are obtained from IVUS, while the 3-D locations are derived by geometrical reconstruction from the angiographic projections. ECG-based timing ensures a proper match of the image data with the respective heart phase. The fusion is performed for each heart phase individually, thus yielding the 4-D data as a set of 3-D reconstructions.
The entire process can be split up into the following list of tasks:
The system has been applied and validated in-vitro and in-vivo.
Full Paper:
in PostScript
- gziped PS file, 3600 KB
for Acrobat
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Segmentation of Catheter
and Vessel Outline in Angiograms
- 760
columns, 1000 rows, 386 KB
Segmentation of the IVUS Data
- 996 columns,
1430 rows, 643 KB
Reconstructed Human Right Coronary Artery In-Vivo
- 1111 columns, 687 rows, 232 KB